Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Cool Science Fair Project Ideas List
Cool Science Fair Project Ideas List Some science fair projects are just more cool than others. Heres a look at some cool science fair project ideas as well as a collection of reader-submitted cool project ideas. Can What You Eat Change Your Eye Color? Some claims have been made that what you eat can ​​change your eye color. You can test this hypothesis yourself. Is ESP Real? Some people claim they can tell who is calling on the telephone before they pick up the phone (and without consulting caller ID). Can they really do it? State a hypothesis and conduct an experiment to test whether your subjects have this form of ESP. Sparking Vegetables Some frozen vegetables have been shown to produce sparks when cooked in the microwave. What types of vegetables produce these sparks? Is spark production dependent on the initial temperature of the vegetables? Does the cooking container play a role in sparking? There is a lot of exploration possible here. Can You Decompose a Disposable Diaper? It is estimated that it will take hundreds or possibly thousands of years for disposable diapers in landfills to decompose. Can you find a way to decompose them? How long does it take a cloth diaper to decompose? Could Your Home Use Wind or Solar Energy? How much wind or sun does it take to use a wind or solar power generation system? How does that compare with the average number of windy or sunny days where you live? Investigate what it would take to start generating and using your own power.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Advice on how to be your own career coach
Advice on how to be your own career coach If you feel frustrated by a lack of progress in your career, you might consider using the services of a professional career coach. A good career coach helps clients take inventory of where they are, work-wise, and where they want to be (and how they want to get there). Many jobseekers find this kind of support invaluable when they are looking to make major professional changes but, especially for people who might be out of work, the cost of a career coach might be prohibitive. Don’t fret. You can be your own career coach, and take steps toward reaching your goals that won’t cost you a dime. We collected advice that will help you set goals and reach for them, with only minimal cost involved. Zero in on your goalsThe first step is to identify where you want to be heading in your career. Perhaps you are making plans for how to take your seat in the C-suite one day. Or, you may be looking to move out of one profession and into another.While different, these two scenarios ha ve one thing in common: planning. Whether you are plotting how you’ll get that big promotion, or are planning a lateral move into another industry, you’ll need to assess which critical skills you possess, and which you’ll need to cultivate to be successful. To ascertain this, you’ll need to study up.Look at LinkedIn; in particular, the profiles of people who have the job you want. What skills and experience do they list that you are lacking? Next, look at job ads for positions that interest you. What are the skills and experience most commonly being listed for those roles? How can you meet those requirements?In some instances, gathering valuable skills is fairly easy; in others, you may need to play the long game and go back to school. In either scenario, knowing what employers are looking for and figuring out how to acquire those skills is critical. Set your goals and a timeline to achieve them.Keep a journalExperts agree that journaling can help jobseek ers stay on track when they’re acting as their own career coach. It can also help you see where you are (on a day-to-day basis with goal achievement) and how much traction you’ve made on your journey. â€Å"Journaling helps create an outlet,†said Executive Therapeutic Life Coach Lisa Pepper-Satkin. â€Å"It also allows you to process through questions you may discover in your job search.†Buy a journal or keep an online diary. Use it daily, weekly, or monthly to keep yourself on track. Without a coach helping you track progress, writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a valuable tool. Not only is your journal the place for writing down your goals, the steps to achieve them, and a timeline for achieving them, but during times of frustration, a journal can help you track how far you’ve come. This can be very helpful when you are tempted to throw in the towel, or, if you have doubts about just how much you’ve achieved.Create accountabili tyCareer coaches have tricks for keeping their clients motivated. But how can you keep yourself inspired? Pepper-Satkin suggests that asking a friend for support can help. Your goals don’t need to be the same as your friend’s goal for this to work – you just both must be dedicated to making a big change. â€Å"Ask a friend to play big,†Pepper-Satkin said. â€Å"Regardless of what you are each working on, this will allow you to share in one another’s visions.†While support is a huge element, it’s really the accountability that will help propel you forward.â€Å"Commit to not buying each other’s excuses,†she said. Set deadlines for yourselves and stick with them. Meet regularly, either in person or by phone to compare notes, check items off your list, and create new action items to be accomplished before your next meeting.Don’t have a friend who is looking to make a big change? Search online for websites that offe r tips on personal growth and professional development, or join an online coaching group, which will be more affordable than a private coach. â€Å"We’ve never seen as many [career coaching] programs online as we currently see. So, it’s easy to have access to affordable coaching in a group online,†Pepper-Satkin said.Give your resume a faceliftAs you learn new skills, gather new experiences, or acquire new education, certification, or licensing, be sure that your resume reflects those achievements. Keeping an up-to-date resume will ensure that you are prepared for any new experiences that might come your way during this process.Plus, since your resume is often your first introduction to a recruiter, looks count. An entry-level resume will look different than an executive resume in many cases, so be sure your document reflects the image you are hoping to convey. Take into account both your industry and your stature within the industry when choosing a resume forma t.To make sure you hit the mark, consider putting a resume builder to use. Builders can provide resumes with both the look and the language needed to convey particular messages to potential employers.Ask for feedbackIf you’re working to hone a new skill, figure out your next career move, or make a major professional change, know that feedback is an utterly critical element. So, how can you get feedback without a career coach? The answer is right at your fingertips, according to Pepper-Satkin.â€Å"Social media can be a valuable,†she said. Ask questions of your professional contacts either online or by arranging informational coffee dates with people whose advice you think will be valuable.â€Å"Take risks with people by asking for honest feedback on what your next steps should be,†she said.When it comes to feedback, asking for it from professionals whose work you admire might help you identify a mentor who could be willing to provide some free coaching.Donâ₠¬â„¢t be afraid to adjust your goalsLife is tricky, and its roads can be windy. This mean that you may find in this process that you are working towards a goal that doesn’t feel quite right. This isn’t a failure; it’s actually part of the beauty of becoming your own career coach. The introspection it demands to set a goal and work towards it is invaluable. You’ll learn both what works for you and what doesn’t work.As you learn more about yourself and become more deliberate about the actions you’re taking, you may find yourself changing course slightly. That’s okay; it’s part of the point of these exercises. The goal is to move towards a role or a profession that feels personally satisfying to you. You may need to change your approach – or your end goal – during the course of your exploration to land in a place that feels right for you.Author Bio:LiveCareer offers assistance to jobseekers at every step of the journ ey. Access free resume templates and resume examples, plus a cover letter builder and advice on how to answer interview questions of all stripes.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Film Analysis C.P. Paper on Daniel Boone Movie Review
Film Analysis C.P. Paper on Daniel Boone - Movie Review Example Since the families in Pennsylvania depended mostly on hunting for food, at age 12 Boone acquired his own rifle and actively engaged in hunting at that point. He hunted both from the local settlers and Lenape village, which belonged to the Indians. Apart from hunting and trapping animals, Boone sold the pelts of the hunted animals in the fur market. Through these activities including exceptional hunting skills, Boone learnt easy routes to the area and to the west, which prepared him as a hunter, explorer, and scout in Kentucky. Similarly, Boone participated in the Braddock’s campaign to seize Fort Duquesne where he served in the military expedition driving a supply wagon (Foreman, 2001). Additionally, he guided the redcoats through the backwoods of Pennsylvania. These activities gave Boone familiarity with the area, which prepared him for the tasks ahead in hunting, exploring, and scouting in Kentucky. In the wilderness, Boone and the long hunters used their hunting skills, as well as taming skills to penetrate the untamed wilderness and establish a pathway. Among the tools they used to clear the pathway was an axe, which the woodsmen used to cut through to create a wide trail resembling a footpath. Another tool that the long hunters had were riffle slung hang over their shoulders as they moved through the wilderness. In the process of taming Kentucky, Boone experienced personal losses, for example, loved ones. Additionally, Boone encountered several tragedies in the hands of native Indians. First, his daughter was kidnapped, but fortunately, he rescued her. Secondly, was short in the ankle by Indians, but he recovered. Thirdly, he was also captured at some point during the struggle by the Shawnee. Finally, Boone did not enjoy living in the land that he so much fought for, as he had to go settle elsewhere where he could find happiness since Kentucky became too overcrowded for him. An example of Boone’s
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Contemporary Issues in Information Systems Research Paper
Contemporary Issues in Information Systems - Research Paper Example Additionally, at the present there are numerous CASE tools which can be used by software development teams. These tools offer rigid policy and standards about implementation and design of the systems (Lamb, 2012; VisualCase, 2012). In addition, a number of the advantages offered by CASE and other similar techniques are that, by making the client element of the software development process (for instance by analyzing the marketplace and focus groups); a product is further possible to convene real-world requirements and features. In view of the fact that software development process heavily relies on redesign and testing, hence the price of servicing an application over its lifetime can be reduced considerably. In this scenario, a carefully established technique to development offers assurance for the code and design reuse, minimizing expenditures and improving value. Ultimately, quality software products are likely to develop a company’s image, offering a competitive edge in the market (Rouse, 2005). This report presents a detailed analysis of two major market leaders of CASE tools. Basically, this report presents an analysis of two major applications IBM Rational Software and Oracle Designer. These tools contain wonderful features and provide an excellent support throughout the software development process. This report will present the comparison of these two applications and specification of major features for more enhanced performance management of the application development. In this scenario, this research will assess these two products on the basis of different features and quality parameters. Analysis This report presents a detailed analysis of two leading CASE tool applications by comparing their features and attributes. In this scenario, I will compare and contrast IBM Rational Software and Oracle Designer on the basis of Repository (it demonstrates how the selected tools is using repository), Forward engineering features, Reverse Engineering feat ures and Modeling tool features. I will assess both applications of above stated characteristics to suggest a most excellent application. Repository IBM Rational The IBM Rational Case tools offer information that is able to improve quality of software development groups to function more efficiently and productively. Additionally, IBM Rational Rose permits development teams to uphold, capture and take benefit of software knowledge by means of a repository available to people through a web and Eclipse interfaces as well as to programming through a RESTful web based interface (IBM, 2012). In this scenario, Eclipse plug-in integrated in Rational Developer for System development connects the software developer to local as well as remote RAA repositories. In fact, it as well scans software application source files from local and remote workplace IDE software development projects into a local RAA system repository (IBM, 2012). In addition, the capability to scan symbols in some kind of fil e scanned by the Rational Asset Analyzer representation scanner, including the results into the Rational Asset Analyzer repository and comprising the data and information in the inquiry and analysis services. Moreover, it integrates information from a wide
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Design of Organizational Control Mechanisms Essay Example for Free
Design of Organizational Control Mechanisms Essay Problem: When a team of individuals produce a single output the problem arises on how to contribute the reward so that every individual is equally rewarded. This article examines three different mechanisms to deal with this issue: 1.Markets Markets deals with the control problem through precise measurement and reward of individual contributions. 2.Bureaucrats Bureaucrats rely on a mixture of close evaluation with socialized acceptance of common objectives. 3.Clans Clans rely on a relatively complete socialization process which effectively eliminates goal incongruence between individuals. Introduction: Controls (by Tannenbaum)=sum of interpersonal influence relations in an organization Controls (Ezioni)= control is equivalent to power Controls (Weber)= a problem in creating and monitoring rules through a hierarchical authority system Main questions in article: 1) What are the mechanisms through which an organization can be managed so that it moves towards its objectives? 2) How can the design of these mechanisms be improved, what are the limits of each design? An example: The parts supply division Purchasing department: buys 100.000 items (p.a.) from 3.000 suppliers purchased by 22 employees on 3 management levels. †¢Purchasing officer send out request to 3 manufacturers and adds information on reliability, and the order †¢Supervisor Consults agents if they need help and reminds workers that they are not allowed to accept presents Warehousing operations: 1.400 employees (incl. 150 manager) †¢Pickers and packers (worker) †¢Supervisor (manager) Formal authority (written rules) Informal authority (personality) Three mechanisms: 1.Market mechanism purchasing function Agents and supervisory employ market mechanism: to minimize cost for the company by picking the best price on the markets. In a market prices convey all of the information necessary for efficient decision-making. Frictionless market: Prices represent exactly the value of good or service. Therefore reward can be contributed in direct proportion to contribution of employee! Agents and supervisory are subject to bureaucratic mechanisms: Their work is controlled by a set of bureaucratic surveillance controls (performance evaluation, hierarchical oder-giving) 2.Bureaucratic mechanism warehousing function Warehousing is subject to routines of monitoring and directing. This is done by close personal surveillance and direction of subordinates by superiors, based on a set of rules. Rules vs. price: Rules are arbitrary (beliebige) standards without comparison, based on assigned values of (successful) actions. Prices imply that a comparison has already taken place. Prices are far more efficient means of controlling transactions than are rules. However, the conditions necessary for frictionless prices can rarely be met, and in such conditions the bureaucratic form, despite its inadequacies, is preferred. 3.Informal social / clan mechanism Supervisors can rely on bureaucratic mechanisms but this requires surveillance which is associated with costs. But when the supervisor knows that his workers achieve the right objectives, he can eliminate many of the costly forms of audition and surveillance. Social and informational prerequisites of control The three models can be arranged along two dimensions: 1.Informational requirements =prerequisite to successful operation 2.Social underpinnings = Set of agreements between people, as a bare minimum, is basis for control Type of controlSocial requirementsInformational requirements MarketsNorm of Reciprocity (Wechselwirkung) Prices BureaucracyNorm of Reciprocity Legitimate authorityRules ClanNorm of Reciprocity Legitimate authority Shared values, beliefsTraditions The informational prerequisite of control: While a Clan is the most demanding and the Market the least demanding with respect to social underpinnings, the opposite is true when it comes to information. Within large organizations departments tend to develop own jargon in which complex information is easily transported. Each system carries information on how to behave: †¢Explicit system: accounting system easily accessible by newcomer (system is created) †¢Implicit system: is far less complete in its ability to convey information. e.g. US Senate need years to understand flow of information (systems grow up) Companies attempting to control the organization through a price (=market) mechanism use transfer prices to represent prices of internal performances. The advantage should be obtained by using the best prices within the firm. Organizations can also create an explicit set of rules (behavior as well as production and output) that will cover every situation and therefore cut the information problem down by using rules that will cover 90% of all events and depending upon hierarchical authority to settle the remaining 10%. Again legitimate authority is critical to bureaucracy. In a Clan the information is contained in the rituals, stories and ceremonies. So to say the information system does not require a information system, its just there. For example Chinese-American Hui: conducts business as venture capital lender but they also enter risky businesses and even the repayments are left open. Entry is only granted by birthright, a practice that guarantees that every member is part in the same social network and therefore behave to the same rules and principles. While the Market and Clan are both specialized approaches it is the Bureaucratic which is the system that is most flexible. Of course, under certain circumstance both the Market and Clan approach will deliver better results but the Bureaucratic can withstand high rates of turnover, a high degree of heterogeneity and it does not have very demanding informational needs. Designing Control Mechanisms: Costs and Benefits Two ways of effective people control: 1. Find people that fit needs exactely 2. find people that dont fit exactly but use a managerial system to instruct, monitor and evaluate them Best approach depends on costs. Ad 1. is associated with costs and search and acquisitions but their skills will help to reduce costs in the long-run. Ad 2. includes trainings costs and a the costs for the supervisory system but reduces high turnover. Search and select ‘clan-type’ people: Cost of Search and Acquisition: High Wages Benefit: Perform tasks without instruction, work hard Instruct people into the ‘clan’ system: Cost of training: instruct, monitor, and evaluate unskilled workers (who are likely to be indifferent to learn organization skills and values). High rates of turnover. Costs of monitoring: developing rules, supervising. Benefit: heterogeneous system of people that can be controlled. Explicit rules (codified knowledge) offset turnover costs. Loose coupling and The Clan as a Form of Control New view with impact on designing control mechanisms. The ability to measure either output or behavior which is relevant to the desired performance is critical to the rational application of market or bureaucratic forms of control. Knowledge of transformation process: Tin Can plant: If we understand the technology (e.g. production process and what it takes for a successful production) perfectly, we can achieve effective control by setting rules that lead to behavior and processes that lead to our desired transformation steps. Thus, we can create an effective bureaucratic control mechanism. Womens boutique: On the other hand, if we dont understand what is needed (e.g. control system for womens boutique) to be a successful buyer or merchandiser, we cant create rules. But we can measure output (turnover per buyer, salex volumes,). So we can use the output control mechanism to monitor various indicators and set actions accordingly. Apollo Program: Each step of the transformation (assembling) is crystal clear and we have a output measure (it comes back or not). Thus we have the choice and the lower cost alternative will be preferred: clearly as the cost of failure would be prohibitive (untragbar) and more elaborate behavior control system will be installed. Reseach Lab: We have the ability to define the rules of behavior and we can measure the output which will be some 10 years in the future. Certainly a strong output control system will be used but effectively this cannot guarantee success so neither behavior nor output measurement will be sufficient, leaving us with no rational form of control. Therefore such organizations rely on ritualized, ceremonial forms of controls. This approach only works with the recruitment of a selected few individuals, with the same schooling and professionalization process. Another organizations using this form: Hospitals, Investement banks, Whereas output and behavior control can be implemented through a market or bureaucracy, ceremonial forms of control can be implemented through a clan. Closing observations Depending on the organization and its requirements it has to be choosen which control systems works best. E.g.: manufacturing: behavior and output control vs. service org.: cultural or clan controls. Nevertheless every control system is directed at achieving cooperation by: †¢Market mechanism: each persons contribution is evaluated; combined with a personal loss of reward †¢Clan mechanism: attain cooperation by selecting and sozialising individuals such that their objectives overlap with the organizations objectives †¢Bureaucratic mechanism: does a little of each, partly evaluates performance and partly engenders feelings of commitment to the idea of legitimate authority in hierarchies Two main questions: 1. Clarity with which the performance can be assessed 2. Degree of goal incongruence (either trust each other or control each other)
Friday, November 15, 2019
Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy Essay -- My Philosophy o
Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy It is often said that the first impression you make on someone is the most important. It can never happen again and usually is not forgotten. I believe this is true for education also. Kindergarten or preschool is a child's first impression of school. Whether that impression is a good or bad one it will affect the child through the rest of their schooling. I was fortunate to have a great first impression of school which helped me to decide to become a teacher. There are many reasons why I have chosen Elementary Education as my major. The biggest reason is not only because I have always had a love for children but also for learning. Ever since I was a little girl, I would sit in my bedroom and play school. I had my own chalk board and I would teach to an imaginary class. I was continuously trying to learn new things and am still doing that to this day. The vision that I have for my classroom is like most of the classes I was in when I was in elementary school. They were very colorful, full of books and art projects, and made you feel like you were at home. I will arrange the seats in clusters, in which two students will set beside each other and then they will face two other students. I believe that this is a less intimidating arrangement and allows the students to gain social skills The bulletin boards will have every students art work or projects hanging up. The room will be decorated according to what time of year it is. My supplemental materials will include extra books for the children to read, craft supplies, and anything else that I can find that will make learning more enjoyable for the students. The projects that I will do will explore different cogni... ... we have, education has to be reformed. During reform initiatives as a teacher you need to decide if you want to take an active role. I feel that education is a very crucial part of every child. Every child deserves the right to have an equal education no matter what their race, sex, or socioeconomic situation. Education is very important in my life. I plan to continue to challenge myself and my education even after college. I have been very fortunate in my life. I was lucky to have some wonderful teachers who influenced and encouraged me to be whatever I wanted to be. I hope that I can be as important to mystudents as those teachers were to me. I believe that it is important to know my students and to know their learning abilities. I want all of my students to know that you learn something from every experience and that failure isn't failure if a lesson is learned.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Alcohol Abuse Essay
Alcohol abuse is perhaps one of the biggest problems in the United States today. It is not only a personal problem that dramatically affects an individual’s lives, but moreover those that surround such a life. In the essay â€Å"Under the Influence†by Scott Russel Sanders, he expresses his emotions through a poem. â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz†by Theodore Roethke. â€Å"The whiskey on his breath could make a small boy dizzy; but hung on like death; such waltzing was not easy.†(258). This poem is one of many effective devices that Sanders uses to clearly and decisively convey to us the readers of how profound the effects of alcoholism are. Sanders reflects back to his childhood and explains his complex relationship with his alcoholic father and the after effects now that he is a grown up. One of Sanders memorable comments in his essay is when he states his father â€Å" He would not hide the green bottles in his tool box, would not sneak off to the barn with a lump under his coat, would not fall asleep in the daylight, would not roar and fume, would not drink himself to death, if only I were perfect†(255). What a strong point of view in a little boys mind; to think, â€Å"if only I were perfect†his father would not drink! Sanders tell us how our children experience the burden, of the effects of alcoholism. Sanders said, â€Å"Father ‘s drinking became the family secret. While growing up, we children never breathed a word of it beyond the four walls of our house†â€Å"I asked my mother if she ever spoke of his drinking to friends. ‘No, no, never’ she replied hastily. ‘I couldn’t bear for anyone to know’†(257). It must be very difficult for a family and, especially for a child not to be able to communicate their suffering to others. Sanders as a chills wasn’t able to be honest; he was force to live a lie. Another comment from Sanders was, â€Å" I hated also the Gallo brothers, Ernest and Julio, whose jovial faces shone from the labels of their wine†¦Ã¢â‚¬ †I meant to go out there and tell Ernest and Julio what they were doing to my father, and then, if they showed no mercy. I would kill them†(259) Sanders contrast the jovial faces on the wine label to the reality of his father’s fuming. character. Sanders closes with, â€Å"I still do- once a week, perhaps, a glass of wine, a can of beer, nothing stronger, nothing more. I listen for the turning of a key in my brain†(266). Sanders is comparing his drinking to his father’s drinking as an alcoholic. Unlike his father, Sanders is not an alcoholic and has the ability to control his drinking. Work Cited Sanders, Scott Russel. â€Å"Under the Influence†Fifty Great Essays Editor. Robert Diyanni. Pearson. 2011 Pages 258, 255, 257, 259.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
New Hire Communication Essay
†¢Planning ? Define the purpose. To communicate the company culture, process, procedures, and general information for a new hire. ?Define the audience. New Hires. ?Identify the channel(s) of communication and why you selected that channel. The channel of communication that I selected for the new hire communication is email. I chose to send the new hire communication by email because it is instantly sent to the new hire at no cost to the company. †¢Writing ? Create the message. Welcome to Dutch Bros Coffee,Congratulations on your new position with Dutch Bros. We are truly pleased that you have chosen us as your employer. Since being founded in 1992, our goal remains to ensure that our customers are always satisfied with their beverage purchases. Here at Dutch Bros. , we believe in lovin’ life and keeping it positive. We strive to pass the good vibes on to our employees and customers. At Dutch Bros. We serve up a variety of beverages that can be infused with a number of different flavors. This fast paced work environment requires staff to work side by side as a team to successfully keep the line moving and the coffee and drinks flowing. Again, I want to welcome you to the Dutch family. We are truly pleased NEW HIRE COMMUNICATION 3 that you have accepted this opportunity to serve up a cup of sunshine to the wonderful citizens of Phoenix, AZ †¢Completing ? Proofread, revise, and submit. Welcome to Dutch Bros Coffee, Congratulations on your new position with Dutch Bros. We are truly pleased that you have chosen us as your employer. Since being founded in 1992, our goal remains to ensure that our customers are always satisfied with their beverage purchases. At Dutch Bros. We serve up a variety of beverages that can be infused with a number of different flavors. This fast paced work environment requires staff to work side by side as a team to successfully keep the line moving and the coffee and drinks flowing. We strive to pass the good vibes on to our employees and customers. Here at Dutch Bros. , we believe in lovin’ life and keeping it positive. We expect our employees to arrive on time at work in clean casual clothes and a positive work attitude. Again, I want to welcome you to the Dutch family. We are truly pleased that you have accepted this opportunity to serve up a cup of sunshine to the wonderful citizens of Phoenix, AZ Kelli Woodruff NEW HIRE COMMUNICATION 4 References Dutch Bros Coffee. (1992-2014). Retrieved from http://dutchbros. com/AboutUs/.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Gandi
The four yoga’s of Hinduism are Karma, Bhakti, Raja and Jnana the one that I think best describes Mahatma Gandhi is Raja yoga. Raja yoga fits into all classes of the four yoga’s with or without any belief, and it is the real instrument of religious inquiry. Raja Yoga is one of many paths of self-discovery and self-mastery. Mahatma Gandhi, who followed the precepts of Raja Yoga, was especially dedicated to the path of nonviolence. Although many mistake this path as a passive state of submission and cite it to justify inaction born of fear, is an active state that is an alternative to both fight and standing firm when confronted with injustice. Neither attacking nor retreating, Gandhi stood firm against one of the greatest forces of the time, the British Empire. But Gandhi's real struggle for power was fought less in the political world than the fight for finding himself. Gandhi learned to act not out of fear or anger, but from love and compassion and that changed the world. I will prove this theory through relationships between the movie and Raja yoga. "An eye for an eye makes everybody blind" summarizes Gandhi’s view of violence. That statement is one of the greatest things ever said, and was borrowed by other world leaders including Martin Luther King Jr. Gandhi did not believe in violence as a technique of achieving his goal of an independent India. He preached non-violent non-cooperation. Gandhi considered non-violent non-cooperation as requiring more courage and dedication then violence. By the word non-violence Gandhi did not mean mere ignorance of the injustices that came upon his people, he supported active no cooperation, organizing non-violent marches and other events to protest the unfairness of the British occupation of India. In the salt marches, Gandhi protested the British monopoly on salt and the salt tax Indians had to pay. He tried to provoke a violent response from the British government. Suc... Free Essays on Gandi Free Essays on Gandi The four yoga’s of Hinduism are Karma, Bhakti, Raja and Jnana the one that I think best describes Mahatma Gandhi is Raja yoga. Raja yoga fits into all classes of the four yoga’s with or without any belief, and it is the real instrument of religious inquiry. Raja Yoga is one of many paths of self-discovery and self-mastery. Mahatma Gandhi, who followed the precepts of Raja Yoga, was especially dedicated to the path of nonviolence. Although many mistake this path as a passive state of submission and cite it to justify inaction born of fear, is an active state that is an alternative to both fight and standing firm when confronted with injustice. Neither attacking nor retreating, Gandhi stood firm against one of the greatest forces of the time, the British Empire. But Gandhi's real struggle for power was fought less in the political world than the fight for finding himself. Gandhi learned to act not out of fear or anger, but from love and compassion and that changed the world. I will prove this theory through relationships between the movie and Raja yoga. "An eye for an eye makes everybody blind" summarizes Gandhi’s view of violence. That statement is one of the greatest things ever said, and was borrowed by other world leaders including Martin Luther King Jr. Gandhi did not believe in violence as a technique of achieving his goal of an independent India. He preached non-violent non-cooperation. Gandhi considered non-violent non-cooperation as requiring more courage and dedication then violence. By the word non-violence Gandhi did not mean mere ignorance of the injustices that came upon his people, he supported active no cooperation, organizing non-violent marches and other events to protest the unfairness of the British occupation of India. In the salt marches, Gandhi protested the British monopoly on salt and the salt tax Indians had to pay. He tried to provoke a violent response from the British government. Suc...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Defining General Education
Defining General Education General Education is the program of education that typically developing children should receive, based on state standards and evaluated by the annual state educational standards test. It is the preferred way of describing its synonym, regular education. It is preferred because the term regular connotes that children receiving special education services are somehow irregular. General Education is now the default position since the passage of the reauthorization of IDEA, now called IDEIA (The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.) All children should spend a significant amount of time in a general education classroom, unless it is in the best interest of the child, or because the child is a danger to him/herself or others. The amount of time a child spends in the general education program is part of his or her Placement. Once again, General Education is the curriculum designed for all children which is meant to meet state standards, or if adopted, the Common Core State Standards. The General Education program is also the program which the states annual test, required by NCLB (No Child Left Behind,) is designed to evaluate. IEPs and Regular Education ​In order to provide FAPE for special education students, IEP goals should be aligned with the Common Core State Standards. In other words, they should show that a student is being taught to the standards. In some cases, with children whose disabilities are severe, IEPs will reflect a more functional program, which will be very loosely aligned with the Common Core State Standards, rather than directly linked to specific grade level standards. These students are most often in self-contained programs. They are also the most likely to be part of the three percent of students allowed to take an alternate test. Unless students are in the most restrictive environments, they will spend some time in the regular education environment. Often, children in self-contained programs will participate in specials such as physical education, art, and music with students in the regular or general education programs. When assessing the amount of time spent in regular education (part of the IEP report) time spent with typical students in the lunchroom and on the playground for recess is also credited as time in the general education environment. Testing Until more states eliminate testing, participation in high stakes state tests aligned to the standards is required of special education students. This is meant to reflect how the student performs alongside their regular education peers. States are also permitted to require that students with severe disabilities are offered an alternate assessment, which should address the state standards. These are required by Federal Law, in the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary education act) and in IDEIA. Only 1 percent of all students are allowed to take an alternate test, and this should represent 3 percent of all students receiving special education services.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Analyzing a Budget Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analyzing a Budget - Essay Example In addition, the expenditures are clearly indicated as well as the source of income or revenues. Fortunately, the expenditures have been included in the budget. The budget clearly includes expenditures in. This is clearly seen for example the expenditures seen are salaries and wages, janitorial supplies, legal advertising among others. Still concerning expenditure, the budget has clear tracking of expenditure. It clearly shows the amount of cash and for what purpose it will be used. This has helped greatly to prevent loss of cash from managing officials. Like in this case it clearly shows the amount of cash slotted for wages and salaries, legal advertisements among many others. Another strength of the budget is that it has included the revenue collection of income. A good budget includes the sources of revenues in it (Arthur 2003). However, this might not be so evident in other types of budgets. In this type of budget, source of revenue has been included which can be seen as state appropriation, county appropriation, patient fees, insurance and Medicaid. The budget has also included the actual revenue receipts. A good budget should have evidence of the actual receipts of the expected revenue or the already collected revenue (Sullivan 2003). This as a greater percentage will help reduce the loss of funds in a particular company or country. However, despite all the strengths of the budget, it has several weaknesses. To begin with, there is no summary of the budget. A good budget should have a summary of the incomes, average receipts, total costs, net drawings from revenues, total income, total outgoings or even if available the money for creditors in any case the company or country or family had Higher than the actual receipts obtained from the previous revenue collection. The budget has no item showing savings. A good budget should have a line item showing savings from
Friday, November 1, 2019
Credo essay Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Credo essay - Coursework Example Although we might not always be able be in a position to see the foundations of grand skyscrapers, we know that there has to be one because without it, the tall skyscraper would collapse when faced with the smallest gust of wind. For me, my family is essentially this foundation, it is my biggest supporter when I need to be encouraged and assured, and it is where I run to when things do not work out and I feel insecure. Family is of great importance and has an influence on the individuals we turn out to be, we cannot hide our true feelings from our families as they can always see right through us. My family has been instrumental in teaching me how to relate and interact with others. From my family, I have managed to gain a number of strong role models, ranging from my father who is always strong in the face of any calamity and never runs away from bravely confronting any challenges in life, to my grandmother whose special brand of affection is truly one of life’s greatest treas ures, my small sister whose openness and vivacity is quite infectious to my mother endless love that we constantly draw upon. There is nothing as good as the joy that is shared all round when a family sits down to enjoy each other’s company and laugh together. At times families do tend to experience difficulties that cause them to close ranks and cry, but this is ultimately overshadowed by the certain morning that is sure to eventually breakout as the family overcomes the challenges in their paths and are able to once again able to enjoy the joy of sunshine after a dark moment and laugh together. My family comforts and helps me to deal with life’s challenges; whether it is something as relatively small as not finding a favorite pair of shoes to wear when I want to go out, or something as monumental as the cold touch of death. I go through life with the quite assurance that in the face of calamities and challenging situations, I can always look up to my family for support and
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