Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Mba Question Paper free essay sample
Recognize productive dangerous clash, with models. [15] Q6) Elaborate the significance chronicled foundation of OB. Q7) Write short notes on (Any 3). a) b) c) d) e) Decentralization. Employment fulfillment. Standards of dynamic. Arrangement of thought processes. Significance of authority. [15] ***** Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages : 1 P708 [3875] 13 M. B. A. (Sem. I) (Old) 103 : MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (2005 Pattern) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the competitors: 1) 2) 3) Attempt any 5 inquiries. All inquiries convey equivalent imprints. Draw charts any place essential. Q1) Define ? Administrative Economics?. Clarify it? s nature Scope. Q2) Why is Joint stock organization type of Business association well known? Q3) Explain idea of ? Value Elasticity of Demand? concerning types, techniques and commonsense use. Q4) Explain ? Law of variable Proportions? with model. Q5) How cost and yield is resolved in short run and since quite a while ago run under states of flawless rivalry? Q6) What is ? Money saving advantage Analysis Explain steps and defense for the utilization of money saving advantage investigation. We will compose a custom exposition test on Mba Question Paper or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Q7) Write short notes (any 2). a) b) c) d) Break Even Analysis. Troubles experienced in National Income bookkeeping. Special cases to the Law of gracefully. Requirement for request determining. ***** Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P709 [3875] 14 M. B. A. (Sem. I) 104 : STATISTICAL AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS (2005 Pattern) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the applicants: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Handwriting ought to be perfect and clear. Question No. 1 is necessary. Endeavor any 3 inquiries from the remaining. Utilization of electronic number cruncher factual tables are permitted. Chart paper will be provided on demand. Q1) Answer any 5. a) coming up next are the loads of 80 kids dwelling in a general public. Discover middle. 5 each] I) ii) By estimation. By chart. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45-50 4 6 10 5 7 3 9 6 Weights No. of Children b) An insurance agency guaranteed 1500 bike drivers, 3500 vehicle drivers and 5000 truck drivers. The likelihood of a mishap is 0. 050, 0. 02 and 0. 10 individually if there should arise an occurrence of bike, vehicle and truck drivers. One of the guaranteed individuals meets a mishap what is the likelihood that he is a vehicle driver. Compute coefficient of relationship among proficiency and joblessness from the accompanying information Total grown-ups 10000 Total literates Total jobless Literate jobless 1290 1390 500 P. T. O. c) d) The downpour fall conveyance in rainstorm season is as per the following: Rain in a Frequency 0 50 1 25 2 15 3 5 4 3 5 2 Simulate the precipitation for 10 days utilizing the accompanying irregular factors. 67, 63, 39, 55, 29, 78, 70, 06, 78, 76 and locate the normal precipitation. e) f) g) Write a note of lining hypothesis and depict the qualities of lining model. Figure R2. 13 and r23. 1 given r12 = 0. 6, r13 = 0. 7, r23 = 0. 65 Suggest the ideal task plan for the accompanying task issue: Salesman I A B C 80 75 78 Markets II 70 75 78 III 75 80 82 IV 72 85 78 What will be complete most extreme deal. Q2) a) The mean and S. D of 100 things are determined as 60 and 7 separately. Two things 35 and 47 were wrongly replicated as 53 and 74 compute right mean and S. D [7] In an inclination test regulated to 1000 youngsters the score should follow typical conveyance with normal score 45 and S. D 25. [8] I) ii) iii) Q3) a) Find the quantity of kids surpassing the score 60. What is the score of the kids with the goal that 10% of the youngsters surpass this score. What is the score of the youngsters with the goal that 16% of the kids are beneath this score. b) Certain mass delivered articles of which 0. % are damaged , are pressed in containers each containing 160 articles. [7] I) What extent of containers is liberated from deficient articles. ii) iii) What extent contains at least 2 defectives. What extent contains at the most 2 defectives. - 2-[3875] 14 b) The notice cost and deals are given in the accompanying table. Advt. Cost (Rs. ) 35 Sales (Rs. Lakh) 23 I) ii) 25 27 29 26 31 21 27 24 20 33 29 36 30 [8] Calculate connection coefficient. Gauge deals when commercial expense is Rs. 100. Q4) a) Determine the ideal procedures of both the players and estimation of the game. 6] B An I II III IV I 4 II 3 III 1 7 4 3 IV 3 - 5 - 1 - 2 V 2 1 2 VI 2 b) The results of 3 plants X,Y,Z are to be shipped to 4 stockrooms I,II,III,IV. The expense of transportation of every unit from the plant to the distribution centers alongside ordinary limits of plants and stockrooms are [9] demonstrated beneath. Stockrooms Plants X Y Z Requirement 25 15 16 300 17 10 20 300 25 18 08 500 14 24 13 500 300 500 I II III IV Availability Find the ideal arrangement. Q5) an) A firm creates 3 items A,B,C. It utilizes 2 crude materials I and II of which 5000 and 7500 units can be utilized for creation of A,B and C. Item A requires 3 units of crude material I and 5 units of crude material II per units, comparing necessities per units of B are 4 and 3 units of crude material I II resp. furthermore, C requires 5 units of crude material I and II each. The work time to create 1 unit of An is twice required to deliver 1 unit of B and is multiple times required to deliver 1 unit of C. The whole - 3-[3875] 14 work power of the firm can deliver likeness 3000 units of item A. The base interest for 3 items is 600,650 and 500 units resp. Benefits per unit of A , B and C are Rs. 50, Rs. 60 and Rs. 60. Detail the LPP. 7] b) A little industry finds from past information that cost of making a thing is Rs. 25. The S. P of a thing is Rs. 30. In the event that it isn't sold inside seven days, it could be arranged off at Rs. 20. Toward the finish of seven days information for deals are given beneath. Week by week deals No, of weeks 4 10 5 20 6 40 7 30 Find ideal number of things every week the business should buy. [8] ***** [3875] 14 - 4-Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages : 1 P710 [3875] 15 M. B. A. I 105 : LEGAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS (2005 Pattern) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the applicants: 1) 2) Solve any 5 inquiries. All inquiries convey equivalent imprints. Q1) Define contract. Clarify basic components of agreement. Q2) Explain lawful arrangements identifying with free assent in detail. Q3) Explain in detail rights and liabilities of an operator. Q4) Define deal. Clarify basics of substantial deal under offer of products Act. Q5) Define Promissory note. Clarify its attributes in detail. Q6) Define purchaser. Clarify privileges of shoppers. Q7) Write short notes (Any 2). a) b) c) Electronic Governance. Advanced mark. Check. ***** Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages : 1 P711 [3875] 16 M. B. A. (Sem. I) (106) : BASICS OF MARKETING (2005 Pattern) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the competitors: 1) 2) All inquiries convey equivalent imprints. Endeavor any five inquiries. Q1) Explain the 4P? s idea and its essentialness to the showcasing supervisor. Q2) Define Market division and clarify the bases of sectioning the 4 wheeler advertise. Q3) Explain with models instruments and procedures of Marketing Control. Q4) Discuss different special apparatuses accessible to a national advertiser of readymade furniture. Q5) Explain with reasonable models the idea of Product Life Cycle. Q6) Write an itemized note on center ideas of showcasing. Q7) Write short notes on any two: a) b) c) Online Marketing. Situating. Showcasing Myopia. ***** Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages : 1 P712 [3875] 21 M. B. A. (Sem. II) 201 : MARKETING MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the applicants: 1) 2) 3) All inquiries convey equivalent imprints. Question 1 is Compulsory. Compose any four inquiries among the rest of the inquiries. Q1) Iova Industries mean to dispatch their new scope of soda pops in Indian Market. As a showcasing chief, which steps you might want to take to dispatch this novel item? Make nesessory suspicions and legitimize your answer. Additionally detailed your methodology on test showcasing. Q2) Define the term Marketing Mix. Clarify the essentialness of fitting Marketing Mix in the present serious condition. Q3) What is warehousing? What are its sorts? Clarify its significance. Q4) Discuss the valuing systems for a FMCG item in a profoundly serious market. Q5) What is the noteworthiness of bundling and marking in today? s advertise. Additionally clarify about the new patterns in bundling. Q6) Discuss the effect of advance innovation and web on advancement. Q7) Write short notes (Any two). a) b) c) d) E showcasing. Marking choices. Broadened Ps of promoting. Decay stage in item life cycle. ***** Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages :2 P713 [3875] 22 M. B. A. (202) : FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern) (Sem. II) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the competitors: 1) Q. No. 1 is obligatory. 2) Attempt any four inquiries from the rest. 3) All inquiries convey equivalent imprints. Q1) ? Capital Budgeting choices are very troublesome and pivotal for any specialty unit.? Clarify in detail. What are the instruments accessible for evaluation? Q2) ? Working Capital Management is a tradeoff among Risk and Return.? Do you concur? Clarify. Q3) Explain the idea of a Cash stream explanation what is the essentialness of an income proclamation? Q4) What are the significant profit arrangements. Q5) ABC Company has the accompanying chosen resources and liabilities: Rs. Money 45,000/Retained Earnings 1,60,000/Equity share capital 1,50,000/Debtor? s 60,000/Inventory 1,11,000/Debentures 1,00,000/Provision for tax collection 57,000/Expenses exceptional 21,000/Land and building 3,00,000/Goodwill 50,000/Furniture 25,000/39,000/Creditors You are required to decide (1) Gross working capital and (2) Net working capital. P. T. O. Q6) From the accompanying data make out propri
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Current Trends in the Tourist Infrastructure Development Literature review
Current Trends in the Tourist Infrastructure Development - Literature audit Example Mr. Brian Summers accepts that the accomplishment in this economy lies in putting the guest at the core of the travel industry industry.â A worldwide examination is a factor for visitors’ selection of goals and world-class experience is normal. Guests long for fervor, nourishments, and drinks and to shop.â They appreciate more, when the spots are perfect, protected and alluring, with great streets and clear signage.â As powerful promoting, a guest must be urged to return and tell others of their magnificent experience. In March 2007, the Tourism West Midlands (TWM) accumulated at the NEC for the yearly meeting and the nearness of beyond what 200 organizations could verify the way that their development exertion in this industry is seen as significant.â On April 1, 2007, TWM was rebuilt, to make it the single authority lead vital body.â New individuals, who were for the most part senior chiefs in their own privileges, were properly invited. Among different issues taken up were centered around their fundamental priorities.â They valued the duration of the help of the authority organizations in the travel industry, to be embraced by the Regional Center for Tourism Business Support through the Brokerage service.â They saw the need to oversee all the more viably in countering environmental change and they can expect a lot of help by method of grants.â Marketing plans will be explored and the significance of more clear publicizing will be promoted.â The improvement of low expertise levels, for example, gourmet experts and client assistance staff are crucial, which can be tended to by the Learning and Skills Councils.â Being a point of convergence for the region’s the travel industry, the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games will have the option to acquire a sizeable number of sightseers. They expect to help the job that sub-provincial associations play in battling for their goals with the expectation that vacationers will remain longer.â Many notorious vacation spots are being revamped, because of the fact that Advantage West Midlands (AWM) and different accomplices keep on contributing millions for such a reason.
The different directions in Judaism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The various headings in Judaism - Essay Example A great many people interpret the Halakha as a Jewish law, in any case, in the genuine sense, it implies the way. That is the way where individuals should live. On this premise, most Jews who lived in the diaspora utilized the Halakha as a wellspring of their strict and common laws. In the contemporary and present day Jewish society, the individual and the family laws are consistently under the authority of the rabbi courts. On this premise, the family and individual qualities are consistently under the direction of the Halakha. In deciphering the Halakha, there are three principle Jewish bearings, in particular the Orthodox, the liberal, and the Hasidism headings. The Orthodox Jews have faith in the Halakha as a strict framework (Landesmann and Jones, 2012). They accept that the Halakha is a disclosure of the desire of God. Universal Jews accept that the Rabbis have an obligation of deciphering the composed Torah, where its arrangements are not satisfactory. Be that as it may, they should just to do as such with the guidelines indicated by Moses, at the pile of Sinai. These guidelines viable were transmitted orally, and they are obviously clarified in the book of Talmud. Customary Jews accept that no rabbi has a power to change the Jewish laws contained in the Talmud and the Torah, everything they can do is to give a translation of these laws. In any case, their translations are liable to change, and reexamination. As indicated by the Orthodox Judaism, the job of a lady is dynamic and complex. Ladies under the Orthodox Judaism are permitted to participate in business, to watch the Sabbath, to take part in exercises focused on their self-awareness, and this incorporates scholastics, and so forth. The job of Jewish Orthodox ladies spin around the referenced zones. In any case, the Halakha doesn't recognize the particular obligations and jobs of ladies among the Orthodox Jews; be that as it may, the standard Jews accept that the Halakha just gives direction on how ladies should live. The conventional Jews have confidence in the job of a
Friday, August 21, 2020
Brown, achievement: Martial arts competition :: essays research papers
A black out twinge of energy glided through my body that night. A trace of expectation of the coming day couldn't be smothered; yet to be overwhelmed with tension would not do by any means. I difficultly constrained those poisonous contemplations from leaking in and defeating my body and brain. I despite everything wonder that I dozed at such night. In any case, I did. I dozed sufficiently and easily as those anxious thoughts crawled into my unprotected, clueless brain, stealing my quiet poise. At the point when I got up invigorated, I discovered my psyche amassing with scattered elation. The adrenaline was streaming as of now. After a brisk breakfast, I arranged a portion of my apparatus and took off. The vehicle ride of two hours appeared to be just a couple of seconds as I attempted to reestablish request in my disorderly cognizance and spotlight my psyche on the day preceding me. My contemplations floated to the indistinguishable shadows of my memory. My opponent’s name was John Doe. There were different contenders at the competition, yet they had never represented any danger to my title. For whatever length of time that I had contended in this competition, I had handily taken the dark belt title in my division. John, in any case, was the most wonderful military craftsman I had ever had the pleasure of seeing at my young age of thirteen. Also, he was in my division. In spite of the fact that he was a similar position, age, size, and weight as I, he outperformed me in pretty much every part of our preparation. His feet were lightning, and his hands were for all intents and purposes imperceptible in their nimble quickness. He used the intensity of a bear while showing up no bigger than I. His structure and strategies were executed with close to flawlessness. Despite the fact that I had never vanquished his perfection, triumph didn't appear to be unreachable. For despite the fact that he was remarkable, he was very little more skilled than I. I am not saying that he was not talented or even that he was not more gifted than I, for he unquestionably was, yet just very little more than I. I despite everything had one expectation, anyway little, of vanquishing this mind boggling enemy, for John had one shortcoming: he was sluggish. He didn’t appreciate rehearsing extended periods of time or buckling down. He didn’t need to. All things considered, I had discovered my section to triumph. My psyche dashed considerably more remote back to all my different disappointments. I should concede that my record was not extremely great.
Sample on The Role of Social Media in Business
Sample on The Role of Social Media in Business The Role of Social Media in Business Feb 4, 2019 in Business Introduction Engdahl (168) defines social media as mobile-based and web-based technologies that allow interactive communication through the internet. In this information age, social media has become an integral part of peoples daily life across the globe. In contrast with the conventional media such as radio, television and print, the social one extends beyond mere information and ideas sharing. Regardless of the fact that social media is a relatively new phenomenon; it is increasingly becoming an essential component of a firms marketing and customer base development platform. Bosari (no pag.) reports that 94% of firms which have marketing department use the social media as the vital component for their marketing platform. In addition, 85% of all firms own a dedicated media platform, which acts as an integral component of their marketing approaches; such firms have reported increased market exposure. With social media increasingly becoming embraced by people, businesses are taking advantage of th is trend and incorporating it in their business-level and corporate-level strategies However, there is a number of challenges and concerns associated with the use of it by business organizations. This paper discusses the issues underpinning the role of social media in business at global and societal level, and any other ethical and contemporary problems arising from the same.
Sample on The Role of Social Media in Business
Sample on The Role of Social Media in Business The Role of Social Media in Business Feb 4, 2019 in Business Introduction Engdahl (168) defines social media as mobile-based and web-based technologies that allow interactive communication through the internet. In this information age, social media has become an integral part of peoples daily life across the globe. In contrast with the conventional media such as radio, television and print, the social one extends beyond mere information and ideas sharing. Regardless of the fact that social media is a relatively new phenomenon; it is increasingly becoming an essential component of a firms marketing and customer base development platform. Bosari (no pag.) reports that 94% of firms which have marketing department use the social media as the vital component for their marketing platform. In addition, 85% of all firms own a dedicated media platform, which acts as an integral component of their marketing approaches; such firms have reported increased market exposure. With social media increasingly becoming embraced by people, businesses are taking advantage of th is trend and incorporating it in their business-level and corporate-level strategies However, there is a number of challenges and concerns associated with the use of it by business organizations. This paper discusses the issues underpinning the role of social media in business at global and societal level, and any other ethical and contemporary problems arising from the same.
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