Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Mba Question Paper free essay sample
Recognize productive dangerous clash, with models. [15] Q6) Elaborate the significance chronicled foundation of OB. Q7) Write short notes on (Any 3). a) b) c) d) e) Decentralization. Employment fulfillment. Standards of dynamic. Arrangement of thought processes. Significance of authority. [15] ***** Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages : 1 P708 [3875] 13 M. B. A. (Sem. I) (Old) 103 : MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (2005 Pattern) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the competitors: 1) 2) 3) Attempt any 5 inquiries. All inquiries convey equivalent imprints. Draw charts any place essential. Q1) Define ? Administrative Economics?. Clarify it? s nature Scope. Q2) Why is Joint stock organization type of Business association well known? Q3) Explain idea of ? Value Elasticity of Demand? concerning types, techniques and commonsense use. Q4) Explain ? Law of variable Proportions? with model. Q5) How cost and yield is resolved in short run and since quite a while ago run under states of flawless rivalry? Q6) What is ? Money saving advantage Analysis Explain steps and defense for the utilization of money saving advantage investigation. We will compose a custom exposition test on Mba Question Paper or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Q7) Write short notes (any 2). a) b) c) d) Break Even Analysis. Troubles experienced in National Income bookkeeping. Special cases to the Law of gracefully. Requirement for request determining. ***** Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P709 [3875] 14 M. B. A. (Sem. I) 104 : STATISTICAL AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS (2005 Pattern) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the applicants: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Handwriting ought to be perfect and clear. Question No. 1 is necessary. Endeavor any 3 inquiries from the remaining. Utilization of electronic number cruncher factual tables are permitted. Chart paper will be provided on demand. Q1) Answer any 5. a) coming up next are the loads of 80 kids dwelling in a general public. Discover middle. 5 each] I) ii) By estimation. By chart. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45-50 4 6 10 5 7 3 9 6 Weights No. of Children b) An insurance agency guaranteed 1500 bike drivers, 3500 vehicle drivers and 5000 truck drivers. The likelihood of a mishap is 0. 050, 0. 02 and 0. 10 individually if there should arise an occurrence of bike, vehicle and truck drivers. One of the guaranteed individuals meets a mishap what is the likelihood that he is a vehicle driver. Compute coefficient of relationship among proficiency and joblessness from the accompanying information Total grown-ups 10000 Total literates Total jobless Literate jobless 1290 1390 500 P. T. O. c) d) The downpour fall conveyance in rainstorm season is as per the following: Rain in a Frequency 0 50 1 25 2 15 3 5 4 3 5 2 Simulate the precipitation for 10 days utilizing the accompanying irregular factors. 67, 63, 39, 55, 29, 78, 70, 06, 78, 76 and locate the normal precipitation. e) f) g) Write a note of lining hypothesis and depict the qualities of lining model. Figure R2. 13 and r23. 1 given r12 = 0. 6, r13 = 0. 7, r23 = 0. 65 Suggest the ideal task plan for the accompanying task issue: Salesman I A B C 80 75 78 Markets II 70 75 78 III 75 80 82 IV 72 85 78 What will be complete most extreme deal. Q2) a) The mean and S. D of 100 things are determined as 60 and 7 separately. Two things 35 and 47 were wrongly replicated as 53 and 74 compute right mean and S. D [7] In an inclination test regulated to 1000 youngsters the score should follow typical conveyance with normal score 45 and S. D 25. [8] I) ii) iii) Q3) a) Find the quantity of kids surpassing the score 60. What is the score of the kids with the goal that 10% of the youngsters surpass this score. What is the score of the youngsters with the goal that 16% of the kids are beneath this score. b) Certain mass delivered articles of which 0. % are damaged , are pressed in containers each containing 160 articles. [7] I) What extent of containers is liberated from deficient articles. ii) iii) What extent contains at least 2 defectives. What extent contains at the most 2 defectives. - 2-[3875] 14 b) The notice cost and deals are given in the accompanying table. Advt. Cost (Rs. ) 35 Sales (Rs. Lakh) 23 I) ii) 25 27 29 26 31 21 27 24 20 33 29 36 30 [8] Calculate connection coefficient. Gauge deals when commercial expense is Rs. 100. Q4) a) Determine the ideal procedures of both the players and estimation of the game. 6] B An I II III IV I 4 II 3 III 1 7 4 3 IV 3 - 5 - 1 - 2 V 2 1 2 VI 2 b) The results of 3 plants X,Y,Z are to be shipped to 4 stockrooms I,II,III,IV. The expense of transportation of every unit from the plant to the distribution centers alongside ordinary limits of plants and stockrooms are [9] demonstrated beneath. Stockrooms Plants X Y Z Requirement 25 15 16 300 17 10 20 300 25 18 08 500 14 24 13 500 300 500 I II III IV Availability Find the ideal arrangement. Q5) an) A firm creates 3 items A,B,C. It utilizes 2 crude materials I and II of which 5000 and 7500 units can be utilized for creation of A,B and C. Item A requires 3 units of crude material I and 5 units of crude material II per units, comparing necessities per units of B are 4 and 3 units of crude material I II resp. furthermore, C requires 5 units of crude material I and II each. The work time to create 1 unit of An is twice required to deliver 1 unit of B and is multiple times required to deliver 1 unit of C. The whole - 3-[3875] 14 work power of the firm can deliver likeness 3000 units of item A. The base interest for 3 items is 600,650 and 500 units resp. Benefits per unit of A , B and C are Rs. 50, Rs. 60 and Rs. 60. Detail the LPP. 7] b) A little industry finds from past information that cost of making a thing is Rs. 25. The S. P of a thing is Rs. 30. In the event that it isn't sold inside seven days, it could be arranged off at Rs. 20. Toward the finish of seven days information for deals are given beneath. Week by week deals No, of weeks 4 10 5 20 6 40 7 30 Find ideal number of things every week the business should buy. [8] ***** [3875] 14 - 4-Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages : 1 P710 [3875] 15 M. B. A. I 105 : LEGAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS (2005 Pattern) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the applicants: 1) 2) Solve any 5 inquiries. All inquiries convey equivalent imprints. Q1) Define contract. Clarify basic components of agreement. Q2) Explain lawful arrangements identifying with free assent in detail. Q3) Explain in detail rights and liabilities of an operator. Q4) Define deal. Clarify basics of substantial deal under offer of products Act. Q5) Define Promissory note. Clarify its attributes in detail. Q6) Define purchaser. Clarify privileges of shoppers. Q7) Write short notes (Any 2). a) b) c) Electronic Governance. Advanced mark. Check. ***** Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages : 1 P711 [3875] 16 M. B. A. (Sem. I) (106) : BASICS OF MARKETING (2005 Pattern) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the competitors: 1) 2) All inquiries convey equivalent imprints. Endeavor any five inquiries. Q1) Explain the 4P? s idea and its essentialness to the showcasing supervisor. Q2) Define Market division and clarify the bases of sectioning the 4 wheeler advertise. Q3) Explain with models instruments and procedures of Marketing Control. Q4) Discuss different special apparatuses accessible to a national advertiser of readymade furniture. Q5) Explain with reasonable models the idea of Product Life Cycle. Q6) Write an itemized note on center ideas of showcasing. Q7) Write short notes on any two: a) b) c) Online Marketing. Situating. Showcasing Myopia. ***** Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages : 1 P712 [3875] 21 M. B. A. (Sem. II) 201 : MARKETING MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the applicants: 1) 2) 3) All inquiries convey equivalent imprints. Question 1 is Compulsory. Compose any four inquiries among the rest of the inquiries. Q1) Iova Industries mean to dispatch their new scope of soda pops in Indian Market. As a showcasing chief, which steps you might want to take to dispatch this novel item? Make nesessory suspicions and legitimize your answer. Additionally detailed your methodology on test showcasing. Q2) Define the term Marketing Mix. Clarify the essentialness of fitting Marketing Mix in the present serious condition. Q3) What is warehousing? What are its sorts? Clarify its significance. Q4) Discuss the valuing systems for a FMCG item in a profoundly serious market. Q5) What is the noteworthiness of bundling and marking in today? s advertise. Additionally clarify about the new patterns in bundling. Q6) Discuss the effect of advance innovation and web on advancement. Q7) Write short notes (Any two). a) b) c) d) E showcasing. Marking choices. Broadened Ps of promoting. Decay stage in item life cycle. ***** Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages :2 P713 [3875] 22 M. B. A. (202) : FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern) (Sem. II) [Max. Imprints : 70 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the competitors: 1) Q. No. 1 is obligatory. 2) Attempt any four inquiries from the rest. 3) All inquiries convey equivalent imprints. Q1) ? Capital Budgeting choices are very troublesome and pivotal for any specialty unit.? Clarify in detail. What are the instruments accessible for evaluation? Q2) ? Working Capital Management is a tradeoff among Risk and Return.? Do you concur? Clarify. Q3) Explain the idea of a Cash stream explanation what is the essentialness of an income proclamation? Q4) What are the significant profit arrangements. Q5) ABC Company has the accompanying chosen resources and liabilities: Rs. Money 45,000/Retained Earnings 1,60,000/Equity share capital 1,50,000/Debtor? s 60,000/Inventory 1,11,000/Debentures 1,00,000/Provision for tax collection 57,000/Expenses exceptional 21,000/Land and building 3,00,000/Goodwill 50,000/Furniture 25,000/39,000/Creditors You are required to decide (1) Gross working capital and (2) Net working capital. P. T. O. Q6) From the accompanying data make out propri
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Current Trends in the Tourist Infrastructure Development Literature review
Current Trends in the Tourist Infrastructure Development - Literature audit Example Mr. Brian Summers accepts that the accomplishment in this economy lies in putting the guest at the core of the travel industry industry.â A worldwide examination is a factor for visitors’ selection of goals and world-class experience is normal. Guests long for fervor, nourishments, and drinks and to shop.â They appreciate more, when the spots are perfect, protected and alluring, with great streets and clear signage.â As powerful promoting, a guest must be urged to return and tell others of their magnificent experience. In March 2007, the Tourism West Midlands (TWM) accumulated at the NEC for the yearly meeting and the nearness of beyond what 200 organizations could verify the way that their development exertion in this industry is seen as significant.â On April 1, 2007, TWM was rebuilt, to make it the single authority lead vital body.â New individuals, who were for the most part senior chiefs in their own privileges, were properly invited. Among different issues taken up were centered around their fundamental priorities.â They valued the duration of the help of the authority organizations in the travel industry, to be embraced by the Regional Center for Tourism Business Support through the Brokerage service.â They saw the need to oversee all the more viably in countering environmental change and they can expect a lot of help by method of grants.â Marketing plans will be explored and the significance of more clear publicizing will be promoted.â The improvement of low expertise levels, for example, gourmet experts and client assistance staff are crucial, which can be tended to by the Learning and Skills Councils.â Being a point of convergence for the region’s the travel industry, the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games will have the option to acquire a sizeable number of sightseers. They expect to help the job that sub-provincial associations play in battling for their goals with the expectation that vacationers will remain longer.â Many notorious vacation spots are being revamped, because of the fact that Advantage West Midlands (AWM) and different accomplices keep on contributing millions for such a reason.
The different directions in Judaism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The various headings in Judaism - Essay Example A great many people interpret the Halakha as a Jewish law, in any case, in the genuine sense, it implies the way. That is the way where individuals should live. On this premise, most Jews who lived in the diaspora utilized the Halakha as a wellspring of their strict and common laws. In the contemporary and present day Jewish society, the individual and the family laws are consistently under the authority of the rabbi courts. On this premise, the family and individual qualities are consistently under the direction of the Halakha. In deciphering the Halakha, there are three principle Jewish bearings, in particular the Orthodox, the liberal, and the Hasidism headings. The Orthodox Jews have faith in the Halakha as a strict framework (Landesmann and Jones, 2012). They accept that the Halakha is a disclosure of the desire of God. Universal Jews accept that the Rabbis have an obligation of deciphering the composed Torah, where its arrangements are not satisfactory. Be that as it may, they should just to do as such with the guidelines indicated by Moses, at the pile of Sinai. These guidelines viable were transmitted orally, and they are obviously clarified in the book of Talmud. Customary Jews accept that no rabbi has a power to change the Jewish laws contained in the Talmud and the Torah, everything they can do is to give a translation of these laws. In any case, their translations are liable to change, and reexamination. As indicated by the Orthodox Judaism, the job of a lady is dynamic and complex. Ladies under the Orthodox Judaism are permitted to participate in business, to watch the Sabbath, to take part in exercises focused on their self-awareness, and this incorporates scholastics, and so forth. The job of Jewish Orthodox ladies spin around the referenced zones. In any case, the Halakha doesn't recognize the particular obligations and jobs of ladies among the Orthodox Jews; be that as it may, the standard Jews accept that the Halakha just gives direction on how ladies should live. The conventional Jews have confidence in the job of a
Friday, August 21, 2020
Brown, achievement: Martial arts competition :: essays research papers
A black out twinge of energy glided through my body that night. A trace of expectation of the coming day couldn't be smothered; yet to be overwhelmed with tension would not do by any means. I difficultly constrained those poisonous contemplations from leaking in and defeating my body and brain. I despite everything wonder that I dozed at such night. In any case, I did. I dozed sufficiently and easily as those anxious thoughts crawled into my unprotected, clueless brain, stealing my quiet poise. At the point when I got up invigorated, I discovered my psyche amassing with scattered elation. The adrenaline was streaming as of now. After a brisk breakfast, I arranged a portion of my apparatus and took off. The vehicle ride of two hours appeared to be just a couple of seconds as I attempted to reestablish request in my disorderly cognizance and spotlight my psyche on the day preceding me. My contemplations floated to the indistinguishable shadows of my memory. My opponent’s name was John Doe. There were different contenders at the competition, yet they had never represented any danger to my title. For whatever length of time that I had contended in this competition, I had handily taken the dark belt title in my division. John, in any case, was the most wonderful military craftsman I had ever had the pleasure of seeing at my young age of thirteen. Also, he was in my division. In spite of the fact that he was a similar position, age, size, and weight as I, he outperformed me in pretty much every part of our preparation. His feet were lightning, and his hands were for all intents and purposes imperceptible in their nimble quickness. He used the intensity of a bear while showing up no bigger than I. His structure and strategies were executed with close to flawlessness. Despite the fact that I had never vanquished his perfection, triumph didn't appear to be unreachable. For despite the fact that he was remarkable, he was very little more skilled than I. I am not saying that he was not talented or even that he was not more gifted than I, for he unquestionably was, yet just very little more than I. I despite everything had one expectation, anyway little, of vanquishing this mind boggling enemy, for John had one shortcoming: he was sluggish. He didn’t appreciate rehearsing extended periods of time or buckling down. He didn’t need to. All things considered, I had discovered my section to triumph. My psyche dashed considerably more remote back to all my different disappointments. I should concede that my record was not extremely great.
Sample on The Role of Social Media in Business
Sample on The Role of Social Media in Business The Role of Social Media in Business Feb 4, 2019 in Business Introduction Engdahl (168) defines social media as mobile-based and web-based technologies that allow interactive communication through the internet. In this information age, social media has become an integral part of peoples daily life across the globe. In contrast with the conventional media such as radio, television and print, the social one extends beyond mere information and ideas sharing. Regardless of the fact that social media is a relatively new phenomenon; it is increasingly becoming an essential component of a firms marketing and customer base development platform. Bosari (no pag.) reports that 94% of firms which have marketing department use the social media as the vital component for their marketing platform. In addition, 85% of all firms own a dedicated media platform, which acts as an integral component of their marketing approaches; such firms have reported increased market exposure. With social media increasingly becoming embraced by people, businesses are taking advantage of th is trend and incorporating it in their business-level and corporate-level strategies However, there is a number of challenges and concerns associated with the use of it by business organizations. This paper discusses the issues underpinning the role of social media in business at global and societal level, and any other ethical and contemporary problems arising from the same.
Sample on The Role of Social Media in Business
Sample on The Role of Social Media in Business The Role of Social Media in Business Feb 4, 2019 in Business Introduction Engdahl (168) defines social media as mobile-based and web-based technologies that allow interactive communication through the internet. In this information age, social media has become an integral part of peoples daily life across the globe. In contrast with the conventional media such as radio, television and print, the social one extends beyond mere information and ideas sharing. Regardless of the fact that social media is a relatively new phenomenon; it is increasingly becoming an essential component of a firms marketing and customer base development platform. Bosari (no pag.) reports that 94% of firms which have marketing department use the social media as the vital component for their marketing platform. In addition, 85% of all firms own a dedicated media platform, which acts as an integral component of their marketing approaches; such firms have reported increased market exposure. With social media increasingly becoming embraced by people, businesses are taking advantage of th is trend and incorporating it in their business-level and corporate-level strategies However, there is a number of challenges and concerns associated with the use of it by business organizations. This paper discusses the issues underpinning the role of social media in business at global and societal level, and any other ethical and contemporary problems arising from the same.
Friday, June 26, 2020
The Salem Witch Trial And Its Role In History - Free Essay Example
I specifically remember sitting in my high school English class covering the topic of the Salem Witch Trials. I was fascinated by what we were learning and reading about this historical event. I remember thinking how crazy is what the girls who were close to my age and older were making such crazy accusations. Now as a nursing major, the medical side of the Witch Trials really intrigue me. The Salem Witch Trials were a landmark event in the history of the United States that left a lasting impression and impact on this nation. To this day these trials are still being researched and studied by historians all across the country. Scholars and historians have attempted to pinpoint the specific cause of these witch trials, but still much speculation exists as to the for sure root of the cause. There is speculation that the economic downturn of this time played a large role in the accusations. The Puritans were known for their narrow mindedness which is believed to have contributed to this event. Historians also believe that the city of Salemrs socioeconomic issues in itself played a key role. Salem was said to be a poor underprivileged counterpart to its neighboring town called Salem Town which was populated mostly by wealthy merchants. Indian attacks were also pertinent to this area and time, and there was a distrust among the whites and indians. The very different dynamic of Salem and Salem Town often lead to conflict between the two communities(Salem Witch Trials). In 1688, Reverend Samuel Parris became the official minister of Salem. A few years later in the winter of 1692 his daughter Betty became strangely ill. She would run through the house screaming and making noises, she would convulse on the floor, and complained of fevers. The talk of witchcraft became more popular when Bettyrs friend Ann Putnam, Mercy Lewis, and a young woman named Mary Walcott, began to exhibit many of the same unusual behaviors(The Salem Witch Trials- Bewitchment or Ergotism). During the time of the early 1690rs more than two hundred women were found to be guilty guilty of the witchcraft. Women claimed they were unable to control body movements and verbal noises. Women would scream out and had uncontrollable twitches and movements. The women also claimed to be having hallucinations and experiencing supernatural symptoms (The Witchcraft of Encephalitis in Salem). Doctors during this time didnt really have a diagnosis or an explanation for these behaviors. They would simply diagnose these girls with bewitchment. These symptoms and these girls were viewed as a curious medical mystery (The Salem Trials Bewitchment or Ergotism). Eventually, warrants were issued out for the arrest of the Parrisrs slave who was a woman of caribbean. descent, named Tituba, along with two other women. The others were a poor homeless woman named Sarah Good and a woman who was elderly named Sarah Osborn. These women were who the girls accused of bewitching them. More and more women began coming forward and admitting to witchcraft. Like Tituba, several women that had been accused of witchcraft confessed and also gave names of others that were potentially guilty. The trials began to overwhelm what the local system of justice could handle.( I am a Gosple Woman). In May 1692, William Phips, became the new governor of Massachusetts. He designed a special court to hear and to decide on witchcraft cases for the counties that surrounded Salem and its area. (Salem Witch Mania). More than two hundred women were accused and nineteen of those women were confirmed guilty and sentenced to hanging. Later in 1692, after many trials and hearings it was determined by judges that this was in fact witchcraft and they felt these women had come under at tack of the devil and were doing the devilrs work. Several of the accused faced time in jail. The nineteen women who were found officially guilty were then lead to Gallowrs Hill to be hung and persecuted for this witchcraft(Salem Witch Mania). As 1692 ended and the year 1693 began, the hysteria of the Salem Witch Trials began to its lose steam. William Phips who was serving as governor of the colony, after hearing that his own wife was accused of witchcraft, called for an immediate end to the trials. However, at this point twenty people and two dogs had been executed for the crime of witchcraft in Salem. Nineteen were hung and one person was smashed to death under a pile of rocks for refusing to testify(Salem Revisited). To this day, scholars and historians still really dont know the truth behind what happened in Salem. Once witchcraft is ruled out, other important factors come to light as to what might have caused the women to act out like this. As stated earlier, Salem had suffered greatly in recent years from Indian attacks. There was a distrust towards the indians from white men. They did not think all indians were trustworthy and viewed them as savages. They accused the indians of infecting the women or processing them with something. As the townrs population increased in numbers, land and resources became harder and harder to acquire. An epidemic of smallpox had also broken out at the beginning of the decade. Massachusetts was also experiencing some of the most harsh winters in its history(Salem Witch Mania). It is widely agreed on that the motives of the young girls themselves can be questioned. This was an era of society where women had basically no power, particularly young women(L ast Word, Burn the Witch). It is hard to understand why these women and young women would make accusations of this sort. (Salem Revisited). The Salem Witch Trials played an important part in the history of America, but what is even more important is what can be learned from records of these trials. Thankfully, their has not been a repeat of a similar situation. It seems if it was almost as if women felt the need to go to these lengths of faking bewitchment to have their voice heard. The witch trials were an example of what can happen when people are in a position of fear, facing economic instability, sickness, and times of war. During this time women and men had very different roles in society. Women were basically homebound and in charge of maintaining the home and bearing children. It is thought that because of this women were pleading for a different type of society. Women had no political or socio economic power in Salem, Massachusetts or really anywhere during this time(Here are no Newters). Puritans were known for their very strict conservative ways. Some historians landmark these event as the first glimpses of the womenrs suffrage movement. As we examine history of the decades from the 1600rs to the 1900rs there were many instances where women wanted to be heard and wanted their own personal rights. The Salem Witch Trials, the formation of the Womenrs Rights Convention, and the formation of the American Equal Rights Association are all examples of women speaking out and trying to change societys norms. While these witch trials did not directly change how society viewed as women it made a statement that was felt across the world. We see in history that these trials did not change the circumstances for women and that they were still mostly bound to the home and not as highly regarded as men. While it would be many years down the road before women really began to obtain the same opportunities as men, I admire these women for standing up for themselves and making their presence known. I am sad that lives had to be lost for that reason.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Advertising to Children Must Be Banned - 957 Words
As a little girl I loved watching television shows on Saturday mornings. I’d get upset when a show would proceed to commercial. That is until I watched the shiny new toy being played with by the girl my age and of course the cool new one that came into the happy meal, then I’d forget. After seeing the appealing commercial I’d run to my mom and try to slickly mention it. â€Å"You know McDonalds has a new Monster’s Inc. toy in their happy meal. Isn’t that great? â€Å"Now I realize that back then I was targeted by big companies to beg my parents for things that I didn’t need or that wasn’t good for me in order to make money. Advertising today is affecting the health of today’s children because they eat the unhealthy foods advertised to them on:†¦show more content†¦(Children as Consumers) Advertising has a negative effect on a child’s health. Approximately 20% of our youth in the United States of America are now overweight with obesity rates in preschool age children increasing at an alarming speed. The issue of childhood obesity is a serious one. Obesity rates have tripled in the last twenty-five years. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence of obesity has more than doubled among children between the ages of two to five and ages six to eleven. In teens ages twelve to nineteen, prevalence rates have tripled. Obesity in childhood places children and youth at risk for becoming obese as adults and associated poor health such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain kinds of cancer. Research has found strong associations between increases in advertising for non-nutritious foods and rates of childhood obesity. Most children under the age of six can’t distinguish the difference between regular programming and adve rtising. Children under the age of eight don’t understand the persuasive intentions of advertising. (The impact of food Advertising on Childhood Obesity) Food marketing is among the postulated contributors to the rise in obesity rates. Food marketing toShow MoreRelatedSocial and Environmental Factors Causing Obesity in Children809 Words  | 3 PagesIn recent years, rates of childhood obesity in the UK have remained consistently high and the percentage of children aged between two and fifteen years’ old classed as obese from 16% in 2008, to 19% in 2010. From what we know by World Health Organization, there were nearly 40 million children under 5 years’ old overweighed in 2010 across the world. Obesity is a medical condition that children who carry excess body fat accumulated which may have a negative impact on health. This problem is mostly causedRead MoreThe Ethics Of Advertising For Children1731 Words  | 7 Pages Congratulations, it s a †¦ Consumer! The Ethics of Advertising to Children Ishaaq Beg ENG4U Ms. Lodi October 22nd 2015 Ishaaq Beg Ms. Lodi ENG4U October 22nd 2015 Advertising to Children â€Å"The consumer embryo begins to develop during the first year of existence. Children begin their consumer journey in infancy, and they certainly deserve consideration as consumers at that time†- James U. McNeal, Youth Marketer. Companies have their sights on kids for many reasons, butRead MoreAdvertisers Targeting Children in Asia1291 Words  | 5 PagesSeveral advertiser watercourse their work through the television with the intention of targeting certain commercials to children and youth. Those commercials, consisting of the Bodoni â€Å"junk solid food advertising,†have influenced the lives and wellness of children, according to studies. This kind of advertising poses a menace to children, and yet food companies continue to present these graphics extensively and purposely. Overweight and corpulency have reached epidemic proportions in many Asia nRead More Advertising Alcoholic Beverages to Children Essay1302 Words  | 6 PagesAdvertising Alcoholic Bevera ges to Children Alcohol manufacturers use a variety of unscrupulous techniques to advertise alcoholic beverages to children. Perhaps the worst example is Anheuser-Busch Co., the worlds largest brewer, which uses child-enticing cartoon images of frogs, dogs, penguins and lizards in ads for Budweiser beer. These Budweiser cartoon characters are hugely popular with children, just like Joe Camel ads. A KidCom Marketing study once found these Budweiser cartoon characterRead MoreHow Advertisements Are The Most Vulnerable Age Group Of The Advertisers1114 Words  | 5 Pagesage groups, including children. It’s true that advertisements have their own tactics and strategies to persuade people, and that in most of the time they tend to win the game and fool us. This mostly depends on the consumers themselves, the target audience. In this century, I’m sure most of us already discovered the tricks and lies of advertisers that somehow alter our minds to follow what they say. This happens with adu lts, now what if advertisers target children? Children are considered the mostRead MoreThe Ethics Of Business Ethics1349 Words  | 6 Pagesabout advertising ethics. Advertising is practically unavoidable in today s world, we see it in the streets, shops, magazines, television, on the internet, hear it on the radio. In this essay I will describe two ethical issues in advertising, show why business leaders need to remember to launch ethical campaigns and also have and look into some examples from the business world. To understand what ethical advertising is we must familiarise ourselves with the terms ethics and advertising. EthicsRead More Consumer Driven World of Advertising Essay1550 Words  | 7 PagesConsumer Driven World of Advertising The speech titled Advertisings Overdue Revolution is a very interesting read. I will attempt to break the speech down into a number of main themes discussed by the author. I will then examine each of these themes and decide whether or not I agree with the points presented. On the issues that I have a difference of opinion, I will examine why, and try to support my argument with relevant facts. How much is advertising responsible for the highestRead MoreBan Of Ban On Tobacco988 Words  | 4 Pagesof the ban on tobacco advertising are clear indicators that something must be done. The tobacco industry had already come under fire for targeting youth in their advertisements, with one notable example being â€Å"Joe Camel†, the animated mascot of Camel cigarettes. RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company was required to remove â€Å"Joe†from all their advertisements after a ruling by the California Supreme Court ruled that this kind of advertisement could be considered exploitive for children. The tobacco industryRead MoreNegative Effects of Sex in Advertising1151 Words  | 5 Pagescommercials that you see everyday? They simply use sex. Sex in advertising can be defined as the use of any type of sexual imagery to draw the interest of the consumer to buying a particular product or service. The use of sex in advertising as mentioned earlier is said to have boasted a lot company’s revenues, but it also has its negative side which has caused a lot of problems in societies around the world. The idea of using sex in advertising is a very smart way that advertisers use to gain attentionRead MorePersuasive Essay Smoking885 Words  | 4 Pagesinclude: socializing, coping with emotions, parental influences, advertising, and for the thrill of risk taking behaviors. In consequence, many people are unaware of the negative aspects to smoking. Smoking not only affects the individual but has negative impacts on others that are around the smoker and the environment as well. In result of these harmful aspects of smoking, smoking should be banned in public places. Smoking should be banned in public venues due to the harmful effects of second hand smoke
Monday, May 18, 2020
21st Century Revolution The Rise of Anti-Government...
21st Century Revolution: The Rise of Anti-Government Rebellion In the many cases of society rising against a ruler, it is the suffocation of the peoples voice that stirs the minds of those capable of initiating change. It is in this overbearing suppression that small groups of courageous individuals come together and rise up against authority for the sake of their people. Whether it be against a monarchy, a terrorist group, or dictatorship, these groups face a definite opposition. Members of torn nations agree that the rebels do nothing but add to civil unrest, that their acts of armed resistance worsen the choke hold on their country. But it is here, in rebellion, that the minds of the oppressed are able to stand on their own, for themselves; in defiance for the sake of freedom. Government rebellion exists primarily due to interference of natural rights by a relentless government, reaching as far back as the year 2740 BC, in Egypts second dynasty (P.E), to the 2014 acts against th e Ukrainian and Venezuelan governments. This type of violence erupts when a ruler encroaches the territory of a persons natural boundaries. For example, in the Bangkok Thailand revolts of 2014 against the upcoming government elections, a peaceful demonstrator was shot in the head and chest, raising the death toll up to 10 from police brutality (Lefevre). Again in Egypt in 2013 a representative from CNN spoke about the rioting between barricades, â€Å"This is the most intense gunfire that I’veShow MoreRelatedMarx s The Marxist Theory Essay1373 Words  | 6 Pagesanalyzes the revolution of 1848 and its consequences, discussing several ideas such as â€Å"the appropriation by society of the means of production,†the shift from violent revolutions to more pacific ones, and the importance of universal suffrage in achieving social reconstruction (12). And by social reconstruction, Engels means the transfer of the means of production from the epoch’s emergent and powerful bourgeoisie to the disadvantaged proletariat. He explains that all social revolutions in EuropeanRead MoreOpposition to Apartheid1631 Words  | 7 Pagesushering in of a new era of cooperation amongst all South African peoples. The African National Committee, first established in 1912, campaigned on a platform of unity for all Africans for the sake of civil rights and liberties. After the rise to power of the National Party and declaration of the Apartheid, the ANC was first to take action. Early acts of defiance included the encouragement of boycotts, strikes, and the general subversion of National Party legislation. The 1950’s usheredRead MoreChapter 30 Ap Euro Outline Essay2891 Words  | 12 PagesChapter 30: The West at the Dawn of the 21st Century~. ----------------------------------- The 20th century movement of people: The Soviet communists’ forced removal of the Russian peasants and the Nazi’s deportations and execution of European Jews were only the most dramatic examples of this development. Many moved from the countryside to the cities. Other vast forced movements due to the government caused millions of Germans Hungarians, Poles, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Finns, ChechensRead MoreSocial Media Has Become A Political Outlet For Civilians Of The Interconnected World2607 Words  | 11 Pagesduring his presidency regarding violation of human rights including police brutality, political censorship, restrictions on freedoms of speech amongst others which led to his overthrow (Dickey, 2011). The Arab Spring was a revolutionary wave of anti-government protests, riots, and civil wars that spread across the Middle East in early 2011 (Bogaert, 2013). This protest movement was organized to express antipathy towards Arab dictatorships, lack of employment, rising prices, and depravity, which wereRead MoreThe Chinese Communist Party2855 Words  | 12 PagesSetting the Scene: China had experienced a turbulent century prior to the Communist Party taking power. It has a long Confucius heritage but was plagued by foreign imperialism, weak governments, Japanese invasion and civil war until 1949. Mao and the Communist Party sought to transform China into a Communist society following the ideology of Marxist-Leninism. They established measures to transform China into a totalitarian state. This required the Communist Party to have complete power and controlRead MoreThe Soviet Union Of The 19th Century1757 Words  | 8 PagesThe Beginning The idea of having the RSFSR as a enemy towards the Soviet Union at the time of the 19th century was one of the biggest reasons why the Soviet Union took such a big downfall when it collapsed. The RSFSR was a opposing group that was branched off from the Soviet Union, resulting from a argument over political standings and power for both groups.1 The RSFSR wanted a representative to stand during the meetings of the Soviet Union, however the Soviet Union did not grant that because theRead MorePresidential Success : President Of The United States1907 Words  | 8 Pageswanted an executive that was strong enough to implement the laws and check a runaway legislature but not so strong as to become tyrannical. Other groups of delegates believed that an lively and independent executive was required if the national government was to execute its jobs of upholding the security and stability of the Union. The United States has became a country with poverty, income unfairness, censorship of speech, crime, and warfare. I think it s safe to say that the U.S. is far fromRead MoreMarxism and Communism Christian Communism4953 Words  | 20 Pagesas a political philosophy and social movement that advocates and aims to create such a society.Karl Marx, the father of communist thought, posited that communism would be the final stage in society, which would be achieved through a proletarian revolution and only possible after a socialist stage develops the productive forces, leading to a superabundance of goods and services. Pure communism in the Marxian sense refers to a classless, stateless and oppression-free society where decisions on whatRead MoreThe Reign of Terror4635 Words  | 19 PagesAfrican slave trade; peoples views of history can be shaped and molded. The French have done a superb job of instilling all of us with the concept that their Revolution was a fight for liberty, justice and the good of all Frenchmen everywhere. Their glorification of the Bastille with its depictions in painting and sculpture and how the Revolution was the beginning of a new age pales to some of the events during this period. In fact, the storming of the Bastille was merely a hole in the dike, and moreRead More The Reign Of Terror Essay4589 Words  | 19 Pagesslave trade; peoples views of history can be shaped and molded. The French have done a superb job of instilling all of us with the concept that their Revolution was a fight for liberty, justice and the good of all Frenchmen everywhere. Their glorification of the Bastille with its depictions in painting and sculpture and how the Revolution was the beginning of a new age pales to some of the events during this period. In fact, the storming of the Bastille was merely a hole in the dike, and
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Empowering Hiv Infected Mothers - 2105 Words
Empowering HIV-Infected Mothers In religion, stigma is a word that has always held a significant cultural impact in human rights throughout history, in particular a significantly discriminating effect. However, in the last century we have globally experienced cultural shifts that have redefined the word to a more general sense. Simply type in the word â€Å"stigma†on any search engine on the web and phrases such as â€Å"mark of shame†and â€Å"negative†or â€Å"unfair†are common terms to describe it. So why do I bring this word to your attention? Stigma is a word that correlates to pain, and suffering and that is one of the most influential aspects of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, better known as HIV. To those living in developing countries with little-to-no access for proper care, the word stigma is more than just a term, but rather a way of bringing humiliation and alienating those affected by the virus. According to the United Nation’s Article I of the Universal Declar ation of Human Rights: â€Å"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.†Reading this, I cannot help but wonder how frequently this right is violated throughout third world nations suffering from health and economic crises, such as those highly affected by HIV in the Sub-Saharan region of Africa. In the following study, I will illustrate the issues of rights, representation, inequality,Show MoreRelatedessay on hiv-aids1669 Words  | 7 Pages2000 words essay on: HIV-AIDS AIDS, The full form is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus). It is a condition in which the built in defence system of the body breaks down completely. This phenomenon is gradual but ultimately leads to total depletion of a very important cell component of the immune mechanism. Thus those who are affected are unable to combat with common diseases including even mildRead MoreHow is HIV/AIDS in Uganda Connected to Social Justice? Essays985 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is HIV? HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus which is a virus that attacks the human immune system. Once the body is unable to continue fighting the infection, the disease is more severe and known as AIDS. It usually takes more than 10 years to progress from the HIV virus to AIDS which is a deadly disease that has killed over than 25 million people around the world. HIV can be transmitted between people many different ways. Any kind of unprotected sexual intercourse is a very commonRead MoreHealth Trade And Human Rights Essay1483 Words  | 6 Pagesof this book is to the good health of the public and preserve their equality and rights as describe in the first world. In favour to health he describe the very wide range of issues, including health advancement, care trade law and diseases like HIV/AIDS, the implementation of medical professionals in the treatment of prisoners during armed conflicts, medical experimentation involving human subjects. Mainly the author focusing ethics of humans, illuminate the responsibility towards ourselves andRead MoreEducation, Poor Health Care Services, And Lack Of Modern Technology1626 Words  | 7 Pagesresearched and are well recognized in research studies. However, upon further investigation, HIV/AIDS epidemics, especially in Africa, indicates an unclear alliance between general learning and health education. While general literacy is an important element of good health, it is not sufficient to address the major health challenges facing developing and developed civilizations (Kickbusch). AIDS in Africa has infected roughly 25 million people and is a disease of poverty and lack of education and unattainableRead MoreHiv / Aids : A Devastating Disease1482 Words  | 6 PagesHIV/AIDS is a devastating disease that has predominated in Africa due to the long incubation period of the virus, poverty, sexual promiscuousness, urbanization, trading routes, lack of knowledge, medical advances (use of needles, blood transfusion), and gender inequalities. Although the government denied the existence of HIV/ AIDS for many years, they have begun working towards various solutions such as the ABC (Abstinence, Be faithful, and Condom use) method and United States initiatives like PEPFARRead MoreReduction Of Stds And Hiv Essay2038 Words  | 9 Pagesof STDs and HIV in Adolescent Women An Analysis of the Reduction Program: Sisters Saving Sisters Ashley Reid CPH 330: Human Sexuality Dr. Mary Koss THE PROBLEM The aim of the intervention program Sisters Saving Sisters (SSS) is to help prevent and reduce HIV and other STDs rates in young African American and Hispanic women. Sisters Saving Sisters aims to reduce the overall number of sexual partners adolescent women have to decrease their risk of contracting HIV or other STDsRead MoreHIV/AIDS acquisition is at an all-time high in today’s society, especially for women in hidden or2000 Words  | 8 Pages HIV/AIDS acquisition is at an all-time high in today’s society, especially for women in hidden or illegal activities, such as drug-use and sex work (Beard et al. 2010). As a result of their hidden lifestyles, their children are at increased risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS through mother-to-child transmission (MTCT), especially due to the stigma surrounding the disease, keeping women from seeking services that could help both them and their children (Beard et al. 2010). The following paper explores theRead MoreDoes Gender Play A R ole? Hiv / Aids?2536 Words  | 11 PagesDoes Gender Play a Role in HIV/AIDS? When AIDS made its debut in the early 80s, societies branded it as a disease that infected homosexuals and/or IV drug abusers. People often confused HIV with AIDS. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that infects a person, and if left untreated leads to the fatal disease AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). However, over the last 35 years, we have learned that, in reality, AIDS does not discriminate against sexual orientation, drug addictionsRead MoreUnsafe Sex Practice3833 Words  | 16 PagesUnsafe sex or unprotected sex describes sexual contact of any form that takes place in the absence of a condom normally used in preventing the risk of sexually transmitted infections and HIV (Chambers, 2010). The World Health Organisation (2004) considers all the consequences that can arise from unsafe sex practice and came up with a broader definition stating that any sexual contact that can lead to unwanted pregnancy, abortion, infertility, unstable mental conditions and cancer arising from certainRead MoreDiscuss the Importance of Non Verbal Communication to Education24125 Words  | 97 Pages------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form IFAD strategy paper on HIV/AIDS for East and Southern Africa IFAD strategy paper on HIV/AIDS for East and Southern Africa A. Assessing the Impact of HIV/AIDS on IFAD-Supported Projects 34. This section looks at the relevance of HIV/AIDS to agricultural and rural development projects, considering the vulnerability of project target groups and IFAD project staff and their families to HIV/AIDS; the reduced project implementation capacity resulting from the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Transformation and Self-Realization in the Play A Doll’s...
â€Å"A Doll’s House†In the play â€Å"A Doll’s House†by Henrik Ibsen, Nora goes through a transformation of self-realization. Nora lives a doll-like existence. she responds lovingly to her husband’s pet names such as â€Å"my little lark†or â€Å"my little squirrel†(Ibsen, 793). She does not mind playing a role for her husband. As the play progresses, Nora show that she is not a little girl. She understands how business work by taking out a loan behind her husband’s back to save his life. When she is blackmail by Krogstad, her eyes open to her unfulfilled and underappreciated life. she realizes that she been putting on a show for her husband. Nora has pretended to be someone else in order to fulfilled a role for not only her husband but also her father†¦show more content†¦It is parallel to Nora’s life when she tells Torvald that no one can see her in her dress until the evening of her tarantella dance. She is the tree that nobody can see unti l it is â€Å"dressed†. A life cycle of Christmas trees is that they are grown in their natural settings, then chopped down and moved into a house where the family decorates it while it is dying. This can be related to Nora’s life she no longer lives with her father and is taken out of her natural settings, in a sense decorated for Davis 3 Torvald to look at something pretty. When the tree is stripp of its ornaments with its burnt down candle ends on it’s disheveled branches. It reflects how Nora’s is feeling stripped of her â€Å"decorations†and disheveled from Krogstead’s blackmail letter. Now that Krogstad is fired from the bank, He is blackmailing Nora for her getting a loan through signing her dying father’s signature. When Torvald finds out about Nora’s crime, She expect sympathy from Torvald about her dilemma because he said to her that he fantasizes about risking his life to save Nora’s. â€Å"Do you know, Nora, I have often wished that you might be threatened by some great danger, so that I might risk my life’s blood, and everything, for your sake†(Ibsen, 833). Once given the opportunity, however; Torvald shows no intention of sacrificing his life or anything for Nora, thinking only about his appearances. His selfishness becomesShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House 1381 Words  | 6 PagesThe Role of Symbolism in Nora’s Transformation from Repression to Liberation in A Doll’s House The play in prose A Doll’s House is written by Henrik Ibsen, and set in Norway in 1879. By inserting symbols into the storyline, Henrik Ibsen reveals the theme of female submissiveness and male superiority during the 19th century and highlights character revelation in the play, namely through Nora’s transformation from being repressed to being liberated. Ibsen includes a variety of symbols throughoutRead MoreEssay Feminism in Literature1552 Words  | 7 PagesBooks, plays, and movies that depict culture and social life often make statements about social issues such as gender roles, racism, and class distinction. Stories set up a context in which characters relate, often representing â€Å"stock†characters chosen from society and placed in situations where their stereotypical behaviorsâ€â€and sometimes their breaking of these stereotypesâ€â€are highlighted. As feminism became a popular movement in Western countries in general and the United States in particularRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen994 Words  | 4 PagesIn A Doll’s House, a play by Henrik Ibsen, he adds many hints about the role of society and how the female gender was being treated during that time. Readers have observed from this play that Ibsen believed about the roles of society, equality between men and women, and the idea of feminism. This play is where the readers can see and understand how things were like at the time, and what Ibsen believed about the issues. Norma Helmer, the main character from this play tries to strive towards the ideaRead MoreA Dolls House1069 Words  | 5 PagesA Doll’s House takes place in 19th century Norway and Ibsen provides the audience a view of the societal shackles of the era that would imprison women in their own houses. Ibsen introduces Mrs. Linde at early stage of the play as Nora’s old school friend with whom Nora could share her secret and this serves as a way of letting the audience know about Nora’s struggles. Mrs. Linde is an independent woman whose character serves as a foil to Nora’s character in the play. Throughout the play, A Doll’sRead MoreEssay on Theme of Self-discovery in The Awakening and A Dolls House1121 Words  | 5 PagesThe Theme of Self-discovery in The Awakening and A Doll House     In Chopins The Awakening and Ibsens A Doll House, the main characters each experience an awakening. Although they lead different lives, Nora Helmer and Edna Pontelliers respective awakenings are caused by similar factors. From the beginning, neither character fits the standard stereotype of women in the society in which they lived. Another factor that influences Nora and Ednas awakenings is their marital relationship. NeitherRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen969 Words  | 4 PagesLiberty for Nora In 1879, a revolutionary feminist play called â€Å"A Doll’s House†was born. It is a three act play written by Henrik Ibsen. â€Å"A Doll’s House†is a social drama that demonstrates how women are submissive to marriage and to society. The culture at the time considered women week and domestic. The plot is centered on a woman named Nora. During the play Nora figure out she is not happy and she decides to take control over her life. This play is still considered a model for feminists’ rolesRead More A Comparison of Individual Responsibility in Oedipus Rex and A Dolls House4312 Words  | 18 PagesIndividual Responsibility in Oedipus Rex and A Dolls House  In Sophocles Oedipus Rex and Ibsens A Dolls House, the main characters - Nora and Oedipus, are both constructed to illustrate flaws in society. Oedipus psychological evolution sees him begin as an all-powerful, righteous king, who seemingly through no fault of his own murders his father and marries his mother. His evolution ends with his self-blinding, an action which Sophocles uses to establish the true freedom of the individualRead MoreIbsen11859 Words  | 48 PagesM.F.A. Committee Member ______________________________ Kenneth Cleaver, Ph.D. Committee Member ______________________________ James Nutter, D.A. Honors Director ______________________________ Date Forshey 3 Abstract In Henrik Ibsen’s plays, A Doll’s House, The Wild Duck, The Lady from the Sea, and Hedda Gabler, the theme of captivity is demonstrated in the female protagonists Nora, Hedvig, Ellida, and Hedda. The theme of captivity also serves as a performance guide for the portrayalRead MoreA Dolls House by Henrik Isben1646 Words  | 7 Pagesand lack of civil rights were the primary issues for women. In the play A Doll’s House, Henrik Isben creates the realization of female oppression through the creation of the character, Nora. Nora is a woman, whose whole life is ruled by either her father or husband. Nora Helmer, tries hard to perform the roles expected of a woman, which, however, has led to her sacrifice of individual ideals and fulfillment of personal freedom. Ibsen reveals Nora’s grasp of independence through his use of symbolismRead MoreCritical Attitude Toward Marriage and Duty in the Play, A Dolls House by Henrick Ibsen985 Words  |  4 PagesIn the play â€Å"A Dolls House†by Henrik Ibsen, the controversy within the Helmer family conveys a critical attitude toward marriage and duty. The drama traces the awakening, self-realization and transformation of the main character, Nora Helmer. Having borrowed money from the character Krogstad by falsifying her father’s signature, Nora was able to afford a trip to the south for the sake of saving her sick husband, Torvald Helmer’s life. Since then, Nora has been secretly working in order to pay off
Correlation Coefficient And The Matrix Of Table 1 For Each...
Pearson correlation coefficient was used in the matrix of Table 1 for each of the data among family functioning, resilience and peer support seeking. The table showed that it was tested significant positive correlation among resilience, peer support seeking and the five items of family functioning. The hypothesis had been proven. Moreover, only two items of family functioning, resolve and growth, were significant positive correlated to peer support seeking which suggested that resilience may play a mediator role between the independent variable (growth and resolve) of family functioning and the dependent variable (peer support seeking). Therefore, a hierarchical linear regression analyses was processed to explore the mediating effect of resilience of TTFS. 3.3 Hierarchical regression analysis among resilience, family functioning and peer support seeking Table 2 Hierarchical regression analyses among family functioning, resilience and peer support seeking Dependent Variable Peer Support Seeking Independent Variable Step one Step two Step three Gender .008 .015 -.029 Age .021 .018 .119 Resilience .217*** .197** Adaptation -.047 Partnership -.029 Growth .131* Affection .030 Resolve .097 R ² .001 .047 .088 ââ€" ³R ² .001 .047 .037 F .074 4.463** 3.164** With peer support seeking as the dependent variable, gender, age, resilience, resolve, growth, as independent variables, hierarchical linear regression analysis was used in following procedure. Step one: sex, age, enteredShow MoreRelatedImpact of Job Analysis on Job Performance: a Study of Public Sector Organizations of Pakistan25727 Words  | 103 Pageskind efforts, support and guidance it was impossible to complete this job. I am especially thankful to my wife, daughter and son for providing me with every opportunity and encouraging me to accomplish this job. I am also thankful to my mother and family members for their prayers, loving behaviour and emotional support. Thanks to all my colleagues in Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Centre, especially Dr. Shaheen Shehzad, Dr. Razi-ul-Hassnain, Mr. Aqil Khan, Mr. Saifullah Azeem, SyedRead MoreFactors Affecting Motivation to Learn English25117 Words  | 101 Pagesi FACULTY OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE AMONG CHINESE STUDENTS IN JOHOR BAHRU BY OOI CHOON LEAN MP061113 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 581225-07-5846 SUPERVISOR ASSOC PROF DR AZIZI HJ YAHAYA ii ABSTRACT There has been an ongoing debate about the importance of the English language. Employers are lamenting that new graduates these days lack communicative proficiency in English. The purpose of this studyRead More THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN IMPROVING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES65118 Words  | 261 Pages2009 ii Acknowledgements This thesis could not have been completed without the support and assistance of many individuals. First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Mr. Stewart Martin, who was always ready and eager to help me at each step of the way, and whose feedback and suggestions helped ensure that this would become a quality piece of scholarly work. Mr. Martin’s critically analytical questioning has been invaluable in helping me clarify ideas and his thoughtfulness and scholarlyRead MoreTanglewood Casebook19453 Words  | 78 Pagesbetween the major themes in the textbook Staffing Organizations and the problems faced by managers on a daily basis. The Tanglewood case is closely intertwined with textbook concepts. Most assignments in the case require reference to specific tables and examples in the book. After completing these cases, you will be much more able to understand and apply the material in the textbook. With this in mind, it should be noted that the cases are designed to correspond with the types of informationRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 PagesIntroduction to Statistics and Data Analysis This page intentionally left blank Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis Third Edition Roxy Peck California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Chris Olsen George Washington High School, Cedar Rapids, IA Jay Devore California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Australia †¢ Brazil †¢ Canada †¢ Mexico †¢ Singapore †¢ Spain †¢ United Kingdom †¢ United States Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Third EditionRead MoreThe Impact of Corporate Governance on the Timeliness of Corporate Internet Reporting by Egyptian Listed Companies10157 Words  | 41 PagesKeywords Corporate governance, Egypt, Financial reporting, Stock exchanges, Online operations Paper type Research paper Managerial Finance Vol. 34 No. 12, 2008 pp. 848-867 # Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0307-4358 DOI 10.1108/03074350810915815 1. Introduction Timeliness has long been recognised as one of the qualitative attributes of general purpose financial reports (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 1973; Accounting Principles Board (APB), 1970; FASB, 1979). As theRead MoreSummary: Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Investment18579 Words  | 75 PagesCh.1. Real estate space and asset markets. Space market ( the market for the usage of (or right to use) real property (land and built space); also referred to as the real estate usage market or rental market. Demand side: individuals, households and firms that want to use space for either consumption of production purposes. Supply side: real estate owners who rent space to tenants. 1. Segmentation of space markets. Both the demand and supply side are location and type specificRead MoreSummary: Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Investment18572 Words  | 75 PagesCh.1. Real estate space and asset markets. Space market ( the market for the usage of (or right to use) real property (land and built space); also referred to as the real estate usage market or rental market. Demand side: individuals, households and firms that want to use space for either consumption of production purposes. Supply side: real estate owners who rent space to tenants. 1. Segmentation of space markets. Both the demand and supply side are location and type specificRead MoreResearch Project29890 Words  | 120 Pagescarried out. It also showed some items associated to more than one component. Some dimensions showed a reliability scale of less than 0.7 which could have been as result of the wordings used in the questionnaires or the number of items used under each dimension. Also, it was found that the overall service quality perceived by consumers was not satisfactory meaning expectations exceeded perceptions and all the dimensions showed higher expectations than perceptions of services. Research implicationsRead MoreScribd Essay14644 Words  | 59 Pages * ä ¸ æâ€"‡ * Espaà ±ol * Ø §Ã™â€žÃ˜ ¹Ã˜ ±Ã˜ ¨Ã™Å Ø © * Portuguà ªs * æâ€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã¨ ªÅ¾ * Deutsch Assignment Set- 1 Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 1MB0038 – Management Process and Organization BehaviorQ.1 Write a note on the managerial roles and skills? ANS:According to Mintzberg (1973), managerial roles are as follows: 1. Informational roles2. Decisional roles3. Interpersonal roles1.Informational roles: This involves the role of assimilating and
Green Buildings And Its Importance
Question: Write an essay on green buildings and its importance. Answer: The aim of this thesis is to study about green buildings and its importance. It also includes the study of component materials by which the green buildings are made of. Each and every step that is related to the construction of a green building are studied and analysed in this thesis. The design of the green building or the eco friendly buildings are also observed properly in order to find the difference between the green buildings and the traditional or conventional buildings. In order to execute this thesis work a lot of information related to the green buildings or the eco friendly buildings are needed. But only knowledge cannot help to complete this thesis work. In order to complete this thesis work proper opportunities must be obtained and also utilized. Being a student of construction field, the knowledge that are obtained through the course must be properly utilized and in order to do so proper opportunities must also be obtained and utilized. Therefore, in order learn about the green buildings in more depth this thesis is executed. It is very important because it will help to understand the methods designs and materials that are used in order to construct a green building. It will also help to learn about the environmental impacts of the conventional or traditional buildings (Joyce, 2008). The difference between the component materials between the green building and traditional or conventional buildings are also to be known through this thesis work. Methodology for one year of research: Research methodology is known to be the tool that can be used in order to conduct any thesis work fruitfully and effectively. In this portion of the thesis, the researcher generally the most suitable research methodology that can be used to complete the research work or the thesis successfully. It includes the proper identification of the research design. There are generally three types of research that can be used in a thesis and these three types of research are known as exploratory research, descriptive research and causal research (Anita, Richard and Liu, 2015). The causal research can be divided into two parts and these two parts are known as explanatory research and predictive research. Each of this research types have distinct natures and these are chosen according to the nature or type of the thesis. Before choosing any of the research methodology components, the researcher must study several academic resources in order to have more knowledge and information regarding the gre en buildings. It will make the researcher to understand the topic of the thesis more easily. This thesis is to be performed in exploratory research method. The research design has also must be chosen properly. Here in this research empirical research design is to be chosen. The empirical design can also be performed in several ways. Here in this thesis the design must possess several case studies regarding the green buildings. It will provide flexibility in choosing the research approach. Positivism or interpretivism can be chosen in this research design. There are different types of research methodology such as inductive, deductive and abductive. Here in this thesis deductive research methodology is used. The entire research methodology contains several steps and they must be performed in proper sequence. The proper sequence must be followed in order to conduct the entire thesis is a systematic manner. First of all the purpose of the research must be clearly identified so that the research methodology can be kept in the proper path. Then proper design and approach of the research must be chosen. After that the research philosophy must be identified. Proper philosophy must be chosen in order to meet the objectives of the thesis properly. After that the research strategy must be identified. Here in this research several case studies on the green buildings are studied in order to analyse the results found in those case studies. After that all the data that are collected throughout the entire research are collected. There are two distinct methods by which the data can be collected and these two are known as primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. If any practical or experimental data are collected then the method is known as primary data collection method whereas those data are known as primary data. On the other hand, when no practical or experimental tasks are done and the data are collected through different case studies then that method of collecting data is known as secondary data collection method whereas those data are known as secondary data. Here in this thesis only secondary data collection method is performed. The next step is the analysis of the analysis of the collected data. In this process all the data that are obtained throughout the research work are analysed. It helps to give a quantitative result. This is mainly done in case of primary data. As in this thesis no primary data are used, therefore no calculation is needed in this thesis. The results that are to be found in this thesis will be qualitative results Method for one 11 week thesis In case of the 11 week thesis work, the deductive research methodology is selected. The research design will be empirical research design. In the first two weeks the topic of the thesis i.e. green buildings are studied properly. It is to be done by reading several academic resources like academic journals, blogs, articles, online library, e books, authentic websites and other similar academic resources. After two weeks the researcher will definitely have a clear idea about the topic of the research. Then proper research methodology must be chosen and in order to do so the purpose of the research work must be identified. This can be developed while studying about the green buildings. There will be a lot of questions that will definitely come to the researchers mind while studying the topic of the research. The answers of those questions will be set as the aim and objective of the thesis. Now in order to meet those objectives the researcher has to choose proper research approach, desi gn and philosophy. Here in this research is to be done in exploratory method. Then proper strategy is to be identified. Here secondary research method is going to be applied. Several case studies that are related to the green buildings are going to be studied. Then those case studies are going to be analysed and secondary data are collected. The entire research results will be qualitative results. Then it is to be seen that if the results are meeting the objectives of the thesis or not. One week will be given for identifying the proper research methodology and its components. Then five weeks will be given for studying five case studies. Each case study will be given one week. Then one week will be given for analyzing the results of the case studies. Then one week will be provided for linking the results with the objectives of the thesis in order to see if the work is effective or not. Time / Plan of work for 11 week thesis Tasks week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 9 week 10 week 11 Understand the topic Identifying suitable research methodology Case study 1 Case study 2 Case study 3 Case study 4 Case study 5 Analysis of results Linking with objectives Fresh writings and finishing References Anita, Richard, and Liu, (2015).Research Methods for Construction. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons,. Joyce, W. (2008). Green vs. Conventionally.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Garth Brooks Essay Research Paper Garth BrooksTroyal free essay sample
Garth Brooks Essay, Research Paper Garth Brooks Troyal Garth Brooks was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma of February 7, 1962. He was raised in Yukon about one hundred stat mis off from Tulsa. Ray, his male parent, worked as a draftsman for an oil company while his female parent Colleen was a state vocalist in the 1950 s and appeared on wireless and telecasting show, every bit good as entering assorted recordings for Capital Records. Country music played a function in the Brooks # 8217 ; family, but non a dominant 1. But, by the clip Garth was born, his female parent had retired from a professional calling and the Brooks # 8217 ; house reverberated with every bit much stone and dad music as state. Garth went to Yukon High School and played four athleticss: football, hoops, baseball and path. He went to college at Oklahoma State in Stillwater and no set programs for a music calling. It was in 1984, when Garth realized that his athleticss calling was non traveling anyplace, so he majored in advertisement, took some selling categories, and started to take music earnestly. We will write a custom essay sample on Garth Brooks Essay Research Paper Garth BrooksTroyal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He began to execute in bars and barrelhouses around Stillwater. In the summer of 1985, he left for Nashville and a calling in state music, but returned home four yearss subsequently rejected. After, he joined a local set Santa Fe as the lead vocalist. During this clip Garth became large fans of singer-writers James Taylor, Dan Fogelberg, stone sets Boston and Kansas, and state vocalist George Strait. In 1986, Garth married Sandy Mahl. They met when Garth worked as a chucker-out at a saloon. Then in 1987, Garth, with his new married woman, and Santa Fe, moved to Nashville. After entering many demos for publishing houses, Garth signed a author # 8217 ; s contract in November of 1987 and shortly after met Bob Doyle, who subsequently became his director. It was Doyle who paid the entry fee to a Bluebird Cafe. The public presentation at this Cafe earned Garth his first record trade with Capital Records. He so released his album Garth Brooks in 1989. This album gave no indicant of what was in shop for Garth down the route. During the following few old ages, Garth released a 2nd album No Fences and a 3rd, Ropin’ the Wind. The 3rd album set a new record when on the twenty-four hours of the release in 1991, progress orders stood a four million and entered the dad charts at # 1. At the same clip, his first and 2nd albums gained Pt position. Even though Garth # 8217 ; s recordings had been successful, it was as an on-stage performing artist that Brooks has taken state music to a new high and reached out to a younger audience. He is really ocular and rides a continual moving ridge of energy in true stone instead than state. He runs around the phase, involves his fellow instrumentalists in his brainsick jokes and truly communicates with the fans. In 1991 and 1992, Garth concerts outsold every dad and stone act at the major American bowls, puting new records for selling 1000s of show tickets. From 1992 through 1997, Garth released four more albums: The Chase, Beyond the Season, In Pieces, and The Hits, Fresh Horses and Sevens. He besides continued to tour throughout the universe. He went to Ireland in the spring of 1994 where an estimated 130,000 fans came to purchase tickets. Garth continued to sell out bowls with every concert he had since. In 1997 he played for the largest crowd to of all time go to a concert in New York # 8217 ; s Central Park. It was besides viewed by 14.6 million on telecasting. Then in 1998 Garth released The Limited Series, which were re-releases of all his albums from 1989 through 1995, with one new vocal on each. Finally, after he finished his long running circuit, he released his Double Live album. This album is compiled of vocals from most of his unrecorded concerts. He so tried a stone manner with the album In the Life of Chris Gains. He sings as a fictional individual. The album sold more than two million transcripts. He so retired in 2000 but has programs on making one more album. Overall, Garth has won more than 60 major industry awards including 3 CMA Entertainer of the Year awards. His album gross revenues topped 60 million worldwide, with two album certified Diamond ( 10 million certified gross revenues ) , and ten certified multi-Platinum ( one million certified gross revenues ) .
Saturday, April 11, 2020
AP World Essay Prep Resources - World Essay Course Study Helps
AP World Essay Prep Resources - World Essay Course Study HelpsThe AP World Exam essay samples are now available on the internet. If you want to improve your writing and be successful in this competitive exam, then you need to use the World Essay Prep Resources to write excellent essays. These tests have become more challenging than ever and every essay needs to have an interesting plot.You must remember that the previous exam is a measure of your ability and not necessarily a reflection of your ability. If you prepare well then you will certainly do better than those who do not take the World Essay Prep resources seriously.The questions in this exam are all important because you will be preparing for a practical test. If you do well in the recent test then this will help you in getting an actual teaching job at some point in the future.You can find plenty of study guides online that will help you prepare for the exam. There are also self-study guides that will teach you how to effect ively organize the information for your essay. Although this is not necessary, it is very helpful when it comes to improving your own writing skills.The AP exams contain three questions and you should have enough study material to finish with. This is because the last question is a writing or critical reading question. The question is meant to gauge your analytical and comprehension skills.You will find many different types of questions. Some questions are similar to the type that was used in the test you took last year. But in some cases there are questions that are completely different from the previous test.These World Essay Prep Resources will help you come up with effective answers to these questions. The lessons cover the subject from the perspective of literature, history, political science, and various other aspects. You can choose to use the entire book as a study guide or focus on some sections in your own unique way.
Friday, April 3, 2020
5 Things Productive People Do at the End of Every Working Day
5 Things Productive People Do at the End of Every Working Day We’ve all been there. Clock-out time rolls around and it’s all you can do to grab your bag and race your coworkers to the elevator. And, if we’re honest, you probably spend the last 30 minutes or so watching the clock and noodling with Facebook or email, thinking: why bother starting any new projects when the day is almost done? Sound familiar? What if, instead, you put that last bit of your workday to better use and set yourself up for being more productive the following morning right out of the gate? Here are five no-fail strategies that won’t require a ton of effort, but will pay off big time when you come back to your desk.1. Plan for tomorrowTake five minutes to go over your schedule for the coming day. This will not only remind you of breakfast meetings or doctors appointments you may have forgotten, but will also give you the chance to mentally prepare for what’s in store. Need to dress to impress tomorrow? Make sure to bring y our gym clothes? Wear or bring heels for an evening event? You might even find yourself looking forward to your next work day, rather than assuming tomorrow will be just the same old same old.2. Landscape your to-dosLook back at what you’ve accomplished today and check those puppies off. Remind yourself of the outstanding items and make a priority list in your head for tomorrow. If it’s gotten messy or out of control, jot yourself a new one. This will also help you take stock of your productivity for that day- and strategize for how to do better tomorrow. You can learn from today’s distractions and set yourself up better for success.3. Organize your inboxWhen you’re cleaning up your coffee cup and snack wrappers and errant pens and office debris, make sure to go through the same tidying process in your email. Delete the nonsense and the junk mail, archive the important stuff, and leave only what you need to focus on when you get back to work. Sorting by s ender can make it easier to delete.4. Put in one last face timeDon’t just slink away. Check in with your boss or colleagues for a little post-work-day processing. How’d you all do? Anything urgent left on the docket? Any successes to go home proud of? Fires to put out tomorrow? This isn’t just a shrewd move for establishing yourself as a responsible team member, it can go a long way towards team building and camaraderie. And saying a proper and friendly goodbye is just as important when you’re the boss!5. Go homeThis may seem silly, but it’s awfully tempting to stick around and get a few things finished. Trouble is, this becomes a habit. Chances are you won’t get anything substantive done. Set yourself a hard cut-off time and stick to it. It will, believe it or not, help you be more productive tomorrow and won’t leave you feeling constantly fatigued or overwhelmed by work.Then simply relax, turn off your work brain, and enjoy the rest of the day- the part that belongs only to you.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Becoming A Knight Essays - Knight, Stock Characters, Romance
Becoming A Knight Essays - Knight, Stock Characters, Romance Becoming a Knight During the middle ages, in order to become a knight one had to go through many years of training. A knight-to-be spent at least fourteen years of his life learning the proper conduct and etiquette of knighthood. Once the years of training were completed, often an elaborate ceremony took place when the gentleman was knighted. Once knighted, the man had to live by the code of chivalry. This code had the basic guidelines of a knight's behavior. This code was so respected that abiding by it brought honor and respect from others. The education of a knight began at the age of seven. This was when a boy was taken from his home and sent to the castle of a famous noble, perhaps his father?s lord. Here he served the lord and the lady as a page until he was fourteen years old. One of the many duties of a page was to accompany the lord and lady at all times. He also waited on them during meals, and went with them on various affairs doing whatever was asked of him. As a page, he received religious instruction from the chaplain. The squires taught the page fighting skills, and gave him training in arms. The mistress and her ladies taught the page to honor and protect all women. He also learned to sing and to play the lute, in order to hunt and hawk. The most important thing that he learned during the seven years as a page was how to care for and ride a horse. This was a skill that was essential when becoming a knight, because a horse was his primary mode of transportation. At the age of fourteen, the page became a squire, and at the same time, was formally assigned to a knight. He now learned to handle a sword, lance, and to bear the weight of heavy armor. Along with his continued duties from when he was a page, he now had to carve at the dinner table, and accompany his knight to war. He was constantly receiving instructions from the knight, and attended to the knight?s personal needs. He assisted the knight with putting on his armor, and had to make sure the sword and other arms of the knight were polished. He also had to care for the knight's horse, which entailed grooming, feeding, and constant attention. The squire stood by in battles to give aid in a conflict should the knight be overmatched, and to lend his horse should his master lose his own. It was the squire who picked up the knight when he fell, and took his body away if he was injured or killed. This all lasted for the next seven years of the squire's life. At the end of th! is period, when he was twenty-one, a squire who had demonstrated his competence and worth, either by successful completion of his training or on the actual field of battle, was knighted. The ceremony of the squire becoming knighted was often very elaborate. The squire had to first take a purification bath that symbolized the purity of his new life. After the bath, he knelt or stood all night in prayer before the altar on which the armor he would wear later lay. In the morning they had a religious ritual, with perhaps a sermon on the knight?s duty to protect the weak, make wrongs right, and honor women. After this, in the courtyard in the presence of the assembled knights and fair ladies, the knight's armor was buckled on. He was presented with a pair of golden spurs, which only a knight could wear, a shining new suit of armor, a sword, a shield, a lance, and a charger. After putting on the armor piece by piece, he knelt to receive the accolade. This was a blow upon the neck or shoulder, given by the officiating lord, or knight with his fist, or with the flat of a sword. As the blows were given, the lord said, ?In the name of God and St. Michael and S! t. George, I dub thee knight; be brave and loyal.? He was now a full-fledged bachelor knight entitled to all the honors and privileges
Friday, February 21, 2020
The Divine Command Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Divine Command Theory - Essay Example The stronger version holds that moral behavior is good in itself, as such, we should live in a particular manner since God wills it. Similar to the weakest version, this entails the only religious believers need to concern themselves with moral accountability. The strongest version asserts that moral behavior is good because it is willed by God. ("Faithnet") The divine command theory is said to have been disproved by the Euthyphro dilemma, dubbed after Plato's dialogue, which goes: "Are morally good acts willed by God because they are morally good, or are they morally good because they are willed by God" ("Philosophy of Religion") If one accepts the first argument that morally good acts are willed by God because they are morally good, the independence problem arises. This means that the argument itself is inconsistent with the theory since moral value becomes independent of God's will. ("Philosophy of Religion") On the other hand, should one hold the second argument that morally good acts become such because they are willed by God, then problems pertaining to arbitrariness, emptiness, and repugnant commands are contended with? The arbitrariness problem stems from the argument that the divine command theory seems to attribute morality only on God's whims. Â
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Security in Wireless LAN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Security in Wireless LAN - Essay Example are some of the well known access points. Antenna: It determines the reach of the WLAN. It is basically a transceiver i.e. receiving as well as transmitting the signals. Antenna takes directions from the wireless network interface card of the computer. Laptop/ Desktop systems: Since WLAN is basically designed for mobility, therefore Laptop happens to be the best companion to work with the help of network. The laptop must be having a wireless network interface PCMCIA card for WLAN compatible. Wireless network interface cards work with a 48-bit MAC address associated with them. This address is completely unique to each card. Security settings: For a low end access point, security is generally limited to using WEP encryption technique and MAC address filters. MAC address filtering is used to limit the number of hardware components that can access the wireless network. For a higher end transmitter, like used for a corporate set-up Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) is used. This offers better security than WEP. TKIP offers new encryption algorithms every now and then, and keeps changing the encryption keys making it more difficult for a network hacker to sniff them.
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Lean Six Sigma
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Lean Six Sigma 1. Introduction While businesses seek for ways to survive and also to remain competitive in a changing global environment, they either choose adopting business excellence models or continuous improvement philosophies to guide them in the journey of organisational excellence. Lean Six Sigma is a new breadth in the area of continuous improvement, which constitutes strengths and key focuses of Lean and Six Sigma approaches. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section 2 provides an insight on the concepts Lean,Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma. Then relevant examples of Lean Six Sigma in manufacturing and service sector will be presented in section 3.The advantages and disadvantages of Lean Six Sigma will be discussed in section 4. Lastly, an overall recap on the subject is done. 2. Literature review The objective of this section is to provide an insight of the Lean Six Sigma by briefly outlining the concepts behind Lean and Six Sigma, the two ingredients of this blend, along with their strengths and criticisms. 2.1 Lean Approach Lean manufacturing, developed by Toyota Motor Corporation in 1950s, has been adopted and adapted by many companies (Finch,2006). It then extended into a concept of Lean thinking that was introduced by Womack and Jones.The current state of Lean is called Lean enterprise that reaches beyond the shop floor and encompasses various departments within the organisation as a whole (Papadopoulou and Ozbayrak,2005). Dale (2007) defines Lean as a way of thinking, consisting of a set of methods and operating principles to identify and eliminate waste in business processes (Dale,2007,p.565). While for Ferguson (2007) Lean is a change that takes an organisation from where it currently stands and move to a desired state. Briefly, the objective of Lean is to eliminate all types of unnecessary waste by managing resources depending on customers needs and at the lowest possible costs (Andersson et al. 2006). In other words, doing more with less (Thomas,2009). Principles There are 5 principles of Lean; providing right product or service for the right price and time to customer,identification of value stream,smooth flow of processes,only customers demand trigger the action and lastly continuously improve to value stream in pursuit of perfection (Dale,2007). The first step when implementing Lean is to identify value-added and non-value added processes (Pepper and Spedding, 2009) by Value stream mapping(VMS) which is a qualitative analysis tool. Other tools and techniques from the Lean Toolkit such as Single Minute Exchange of Die, 5S, TPM etc. are used in order to achieve above-mentioned principles. Whereas, it should be noted that using these tools and techniques only, does not guarantee a Lean organisation (Bendell,2006). Criticism In the literature, there are many criticism topics on Lean where the most popular ones are about its universality and social aspects. It has long been argued that Lean is not flexible (Andersson et al.,2006) and not applicable to all environments but only to high volume-low variety (HVLV) operations. Authors like Arnheiter and Maleyeff (2005) define this view as one of the key misconceptions whereas Pepper and Spedding (2010) refer it as a limited success of Lean in their work. There is a common misconception caused by the misunderstanding of the concept that Lean means laying-off people (Arnheiter and Maleyeff,2005). However, Flinchbaugh (2001), Arnheiter and Maleyeff (2005) stress that Lean does not mean less people but using people in a smarter way. David Meier (2001) who is a Senior Lean Manufacturing Consultant, argues that Lean creates a stressful, uncomfortable environment due to sense of urgency while ensuring an immediate response to customers. On the other hand, Papadopoulou and Ozbayrak (2005), and Williams et al. (1992) take the opposite view. 2.2 Six Sigma Approach Six Sigma,which is developed by Motorola and popularised after the adoption of General Electric (Finch,2006) aims at value creation and improving the process through variation reduction (Dale et al,2007).Six Sigma inherits principles from TQM (Arnheiter and Maleyeff, 2005) while setting focus on customer satisfaction. In statistical terms, the goal is to achieve a defect rate of 3.4 per million (Pepper and Spedding,2010). This structured,top-down approach has a positive impact on business in monetary terms since it reduces risk and costs (Slack et al., 2006) especially related with scrap and rework. Due to realised benefits, many organisations have adopted Six Sigma today. Principles DMAIC(Design,Measure,Analysis,Improve and Control) is the most commonly used 5-stage methodology which is employed to achieve minimum defects and to reduce the variation throughout the processes in an organisation (Bhuiyan and Baghel,2005). The approach is on project basis and these projects are carried out by trained supervisors called Black belts and Green belts (Bendell,2006). Criticism Six Sigma has long been seen as a statistics-heavy, technical approach to process control (Pepper,Spedding, 2009, p.145). Bendell(2006) supports this view and criticises Six Sigma due to its tendency towards being a complex approach. The training of Black Belts and Green Belts is required in order to be able to use statistical tools and handle the projects effectively. Senapati (2004) mentions that these trainings and solutions to problems can be costly for many businesses. Bendell (2006) states that there is no formal link to policy deployment in Six Sigma. Since Six Sigma projects are chosen depending on their cost-effectiveness, it is possible for this cost-down approach dominates the primary customer driven focus. and may shift it to cost-down possible to be dominated by immediate cost down driver (Bendell,2006). 2.3 Similarities and Differences between Lean and Six Sigma: The point of intersection -overlapping areas(kà ¼me Ã…Å ¸ekli) The intersection point:Similarities-The area of convergence Both approaches have related operating philosophies,performance objectives,work focus,team approach and improvement focus (Watson,2003). Lean Six Sigma Since Lean Sigma or Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a relatively new management trend, there is not much literature available comparing to the information and facts found about Lean and Six Sigma alone. Recently, many companies have started to combine continuous improvement programs together by utilising the best of each initiative to get an extensive and more effective program than individual programs (Bhuiyan and Baghel, 2005). Thus, Lean Six Sigma is evolved as a hybrid methodology that encompasses benefits from both Lean and Six Sigma (Bhuiyan and Baghel, 2005). Watson (2003) defines the merge between Lean and Six Sigma as a marriage of necessity. The objective of this integrated approach is boosting quality and reducing costs through elimination of waste and variation reduction (Kamensky,2008). The origins of Lean and Six Sigma come from different roots however they both have an aim of improving the processes of a business. It has been shown that the benefits achieved with LSS cannot be achieved when applying Lean or Six Sigma solely (Bhuiyan and Baghel, 2005). This data-driven approach enables sustainable competitive advantage if properly applied (Burgess,2009). In the report of John Maleyeff (2007) to IBM Business of Government, LSS is defined as: Lean Six Sigma encompasses many common features of Lean and Six Sigma such as an emphasis on customer satisfaction,a culture of continuous improvement,the search for root causes,and comprehensive employee involvement.In each case,a high degree of training and education takes place,from upper management to shop floor. It is now being realised by many businesses that Lean is more powerful and meaningful when combined with Six Sigma and vice versa (Watson,2003). Many businesses in both manufacturing and service sector including GlaxoSmithKline,Xerox and Dell turned to Lean Six Sigma and achieved significant benefits (Neuhaus and Guarraia,2007). There has to be a careful blend of Lean and Six Sigma that brings two extremes into equilibrium. One end is becoming too Lean thus being very responsive to the market whereas the other end is too much focus on reducing variation beyond the expectations of customers resulting in unnecessary resources being wasted to achieve zero variation (Pepper and Spedding 2010). The optimum point is where market share is maintained by creating sufficient value in the eyes of a customer and the process variation is kept inside acceptable levels to achieve lower costs without over-engineering (Pepper and Spedding 2010). Principles George (2002) states the principles of LSS as the activities that cause the customers critical-to-quality issues and create the longest time delays in any process offer the greatest opportunity for improvement in cost,quality,capital,and lead time. Focus is on customer needs as in Six Sigma and also on speed as in Lean, in order to be responsive to market by shortening lead times. It should be noted that there is no standard framework of LSS that businesses can take it and apply step by step for a specific problem. In other words, there is no one fit for all since it depends on the situation and also the environment within a company. Nevertheless, there have been some attempts regarding different ways of implementing LSS in the literature and industry. Some authors argue that it would be more effective when Lean is used as a first step smoothen the process by eliminating waste and then run the DMAIC cycle. Another view is to implement Lean tools within DMAIC cycle as it can be seen in the work of Kumar et al (2006). Thomas et al. (2009) also proposed a similar framework where basic Lean principles are integrated in each phase of DMAIC method. Criticism Since it is a new breadth in the area of management, LSS has become the target of criticism in the literature. Bendell (2006) suggests a single approach that effectively combines the two philosophies rather than an alleged combination (Pepper and Spedding,2010). Another criticism is about the compatibility of these two approaches. Mika (2006) argues that Six Sigma cannot be embraced by the workers in the shop floor since it requires an effective use of statistical tools and techniques unlike Lean. In contrast, George (2003) outlines several points that Lean compliments Six Sigma and vice versa. Furthermore, since LSS is an integration of two different approaches there is a possibility that one dominates other throughout implementation. Some authors and practitioners see this new continuous improvement initiative as the latest management fad. However, Westwood and Silvester (2007) argue that these approaches such as Six Sigma, Lean or Lean Six Sigma are not fads but they are vital for improving and sustaining competitive advantage. As opposed to views about the negative social aspects of LSS, Burgess (2009) strongly disagrees that it does not support creativity and turns people into robots mainly due to increased workload. It has been argued that the continuous improvement initiatives including LSS are not working well in small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SME) due to lack of critical success factors such as commitment from top management, lack of understanding of tools and techniques and lack of financial capability (Thomas et al. 2009). 3. Findings In this section, an attempt is made to present examples regarding the application of Lean Six Sigma in both manufacturing and service sectors. Manufacturing firms were the early adopters of LSS. Then, it was embraced by the service sector in the 1990s (Kamensky,2008). Halliburton, which is one of the worlds largest oilfield providers, began to implement Lean Six Sigma in 2004, in response to the growth in demand with the purpose of being able to respond customer needs by increasing efficiency and improving customer service (Atkinson,2009). The amount that they used to produce in the manufacturing plants is tripled as a result of reduced cycle times and high utilisation of their equipments. Halliburton also encouraged its supply base to adopt the same strategy so that a synchronisation can be achieved in terms of being more responsive to the market (Atkinson,2009). The main reason to implement LSS approach in Caterpillar Inc. was to gain competitive advantage by breakthrough improvements. As a result of innovative products, their revenues had grown by 80 percent (Byrne et al.2007). Another notable example would be Xerox Corp., which was having problems with its long filing time for patents so first of all the root causes of delays were identified. To eliminate these non-value added steps, Xerox Lean Six Sigma team carried out DMAIC, and came up with a solution which reduced the cycle time of 64 days and saved $400,000 in overall time (Xerox Corp. Brochure,2009). National Grid, who is a client of GE Fleet Services in the UK listened to the voice of its customers and applied Lean Six Sigma to reduce the time spent running (issuing and managing) order prompts (Fraser and Fraser,2008).This project is an example of a well-applied Lean Six Sigma method in a service sector in terms of achieving expected results in a timely fashion (Fraser and Fraser,2008). In the work of Kumar et al. (2006), the implementation of LSS in a die casting manufacturer is resulted in a significant decrease in the number of defects occurred in the final product and an overall savings of around $140 000 per year. Apart from the success stories, National Health Service Modernisation Agency (MA) in UK, is a well-known failure case of LSS. In 2004, Six Sigma together with Lean implemented in NHS to improve processes and quality (Proudlove and Moxham et al., 2008). Whereas, due to lack of well-designed processes, lack of support and unclear link between business strategy, it resulted in failure (Montero,2010). 4. Discussion In light of the findings and review of literature, the advantages and disadvantages of LSS will be discussed in this section. It is believed that this integrated approach will bring better results when the structured and systematic approach of Six Sigma came together with the agility of Lean with a focus of customer in the centre (Antony et al,2003). Despite some views arguing its effectiveness, in theory, by integrating the best of Lean and Six Sigma, the outcome would be satisfactory or even delightful both from the organisations and the customers point of view that creates a win-win situation. According to Arnheiter and Maleyeff (2005), if Lean firms adopt Six Sigma principles, costs incurred by defective products such as rework or scrap costs and the related overhead costs can be reduced. Likewise, when Six Sigma companies adopt Lean principles, faster lead times and deliveries can be achieved. Antony et al. (2003) outlines four major benefits of implementing LSS as; becoming faster and more responsive to customers, striving for Six Sigma capability level, operating at lowest costs of poor quality, achieving greater flexibility throughout the business (Antony et al.,2003,p.41). Companies that have successfully implemented Lean Six Sigma have gained considerable benefits in terms of increased shareholder value and market share. Based on the examples of several companies given in the Findings section, these benefits are provided in dollars. On the other hand, a recent BainCo.survey of 184 companies, shows that 80 percent is dissatisfied with the results they got from their LSS efforts because they have not achieved their goals in both monetary terms and level of improvement (Neuhaus and Guarraia,2007). Because it brought many advantages to leading firms, it does not imply that every attempt will be success or that every firm is ready for this initiative. Basu (2001) outlines the difficulty of sustaining a process improvement program even it may be successful in the beginning. Thus, this situation causes employee layoffs and a decrease in employee morale (Basu,2001). Despite being a powerful engine for businesses, the necessity of high skills to be able to use relevant tools and techniques is seen as one of the weaknesses of LSS (Montero,2010). This factor is seen as a critical prerequisite for the successful implementation of LSS. Though,the training and necessary investment can be costly to some companies. Therefore, this situation may limit its applicability. Unless a necessary change within the business is done including cultural aspects, mindset of employees together with the full commitment of top management, the result will be a failure. 5. Conclusion Many businesses in various sectors have recently started to adopt LSS either as a result of an external pressure or due to inadequate results achieved with their current methodology applied (internal need). Benchmarking plays a significant role in creating a trendy environment in the market where companies follow the giants and trying to adopt the best practice in order not to be obsolete. Although, this integration is seen as a fad by some authors and practitioners The concept was emerged as a response to market requirement. This merge between initiatives Regardless of the continuous improvement strategy that is chosen to follow, there is a common ground that no positive results can be gained without an adequate support, and attention across the business. There are still some uncovered areas of LSS for further research or no one knows what is next.
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