Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Correlation Coefficient And The Matrix Of Table 1 For Each...
Pearson correlation coefficient was used in the matrix of Table 1 for each of the data among family functioning, resilience and peer support seeking. The table showed that it was tested significant positive correlation among resilience, peer support seeking and the five items of family functioning. The hypothesis had been proven. Moreover, only two items of family functioning, resolve and growth, were significant positive correlated to peer support seeking which suggested that resilience may play a mediator role between the independent variable (growth and resolve) of family functioning and the dependent variable (peer support seeking). Therefore, a hierarchical linear regression analyses was processed to explore the mediating effect of resilience of TTFS. 3.3 Hierarchical regression analysis among resilience, family functioning and peer support seeking Table 2 Hierarchical regression analyses among family functioning, resilience and peer support seeking Dependent Variable Peer Support Seeking Independent Variable Step one Step two Step three Gender .008 .015 -.029 Age .021 .018 .119 Resilience .217*** .197** Adaptation -.047 Partnership -.029 Growth .131* Affection .030 Resolve .097 R ² .001 .047 .088 ââ€" ³R ² .001 .047 .037 F .074 4.463** 3.164** With peer support seeking as the dependent variable, gender, age, resilience, resolve, growth, as independent variables, hierarchical linear regression analysis was used in following procedure. Step one: sex, age, enteredShow MoreRelatedImpact of Job Analysis on Job Performance: a Study of Public Sector Organizations of Pakistan25727 Words  | 103 Pageskind efforts, support and guidance it was impossible to complete this job. I am especially thankful to my wife, daughter and son for providing me with every opportunity and encouraging me to accomplish this job. I am also thankful to my mother and family members for their prayers, loving behaviour and emotional support. 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